Player Information
Name: | Benyto Camela |
Sex: | Male |
Vocation: | Master Sorcerer |
Level: | 824 |
Last Seen: | 21 Dec 24 12:15 PM |
Online Time: | None |
Account Status: | Premium Account |
Additional Information
Hint: Hover items for info. |
Hint: Hover charms for info. |
Magic Level | 145 |
Melee | 23 |
Distance | 10 |
Shielding | 93 |
Fishing | 10 |
The Beginning |
The Illusionist |
Dragon's Den |
The Pillow Puzzle |
Alchemy 101 |
Banshee Quest |
Banshee Queen Quest |
Mine Cart Carnage |
Cyntara Trivia |
Last Creep Standing (Spooky) |
Last Creep Standing (Scary) |
Last Creep Standing (Dreadful) |
Cookson Survival (Bebe) |
Cookson Survival (Profe) |
Cookson Survival (Principal) |
Cookson Survival (Familia) |
All-Around Quest |
Beastslayer Arena (Greenhorn) |
Beastslayer Arena (Scrapper) |
Beastslayer Arena (Warlord) |
Beastslayer Arena (Deity) |
Trial of Fire |
Helmet of the Ancients |
Fury Gate |
The Initiation |
Four Swords |
The Forgotten Spell |
The Cyntara Zone |
The Otherworld |
Pits of Inferno |
The Dark Knight of Vanda |
The Dojo |
The Spectral Awakening |
Graveyard of Heroes |
Wrath of the Emperor |
Full Helmet of the Ancients |
The Mysteries of Monstro Town |
Ferumbras Tower (Falcon) |
Ferumbras Tower ('F' for Ferumbras) |
Depth Lords |
Forge of the Titan |
The Annihilator |
Demon Helmet Quest |
The Demon Oak |
The Astral Plane |
The Inquisition |
Cursed Ruins |
Battle Tower |
An Alternate Fate |
The Water Temple |
Spawn - Abyss Necromancers |
Spawn - Black Knight Bosses |
Spawn - Coryms |
Spawn - Crazed Beggars |
Spawn - Cultists |
Spawn - Cyclops |
Spawn - Djinns |
Spawn - Dragon Hatchlings |
Spawn - Dragons |
Spawn - Dwarves |
Spawn - Elves |
Spawn - Eskimos |
Spawn - Fire Devils |
Spawn - Giant Spiders |
Spawn - Ice Golems |
Spawn - Lancer Beetles |
Spawn - Nightstalkers |
Spawn - Pirates |
Spawn - Priestesses |
Spawn - Rotworms |
Spawn - Terror Birds |
Spawn - Vampires |
Spawn - Warlocks |
Friend of the People | |
Placebo Effect | |
Warzone Warrior - Novice | |
Warzone Warrior - Adept | |
Warzone Warrior - Elite | |
Abyssador's Nemesis | |
Observant | |
Sweet Treat | |
On Deaf Ears | |
Spooky | |
Scary | |
Dreadful | |
Frat Child | |
Check Out My New Weapon, Weapon of Choice | |
Hourly Winner | |
Grand Prize Winner | |
Bree Bree | |
Team Edward | |
Take me to your Leader | |
Exterminator | |
The Rum is MINE! | |
Roadkill | |
My First Enchant | |
My First Ore | |
Breaking Bad | |
Apprentice Alchemist | |
Apprentice Enchanter | |
Expert Enchanter | |
Treasure Hunter | |
Precious: Valuables | |
Precious: Crafting | |
Precious: Consumables | |
Precious: Addons | |
Power Ascended | |
Power Realized | |
Essential Knowledge | |
Freebies! | |
More Freebies! | |
Voracity | |
Got My Bonuses | |
Victorious | |
Creationist: Enchanting | |
Recruiter | |
Invasion Rookie | |
Giggity | |
Monstrance Clock | |
Death and Decay | |
No Ragrets |
Alchemy | 12 |
Enchanting | 26 |
Mining | 14 |
19 Dec 24 10:23 PM | Died at level 819 to an arsonist and a reapist. | Blessed |
28 Nov 24 11:43 AM | Died at level 728 to an Iks Aucar and an Iks Pututu. | Blessed |
24 Oct 24 01:27 PM | Died at level 630 to a werewolf and a werewolf (extra life, extra damage, reduces mana, paralyzes, fast attacks). | Blessed |
20 Oct 24 03:26 PM | Died at level 628 to a white warlord and a white knight. | Blessed |
20 Oct 24 09:58 AM | Died at level 621 to a werewolf. | Blessed |
20 Oct 24 03:21 AM | Died at level 622 to a werewolf. | Blessed |
16 Oct 24 12:54 AM | Died at level 596 to a werewolf (extra life, extra damage) and a werewolf. | Blessed |
09 Oct 24 07:05 PM | Died at level 596 to a werewolf and a werewolf (extra life, extra damage, cheat death, paralyzes, increased healing). | Blessed |
09 Oct 24 02:59 PM | Died at level 593 to a werewolf. | Blessed |
06 Oct 24 08:34 PM | Died at level 581 to a holy bishop (extra life, extra damage, extra fast, reduces resistances, cheat death). | Blessed |
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