Cyntara - Forum - Cyntara's Runes and Potions
03 Sep 16 11:55 PM
Note: I made a post about this a while back but I didnt really put any effort, so here is me actually caring <3

I started Cyntara a couple of years back and I loved it. The wars were intense, the skills were amazing and the map was a masterpiece. Now the runes and potions in Cyntara were different than any other OT. Runes were lightweight and pretty cheap so I immediately thought that runes were the main source of healing. After a while, I discovered Great Mana Potions. These potions a lot more expensive and weighed a ton. Now of course I thought to myself "I should buy some of these and test them out." After testing, It clicked in. Potions were an emergency item that one would use when in great danger which is why they weighed and cost so much.

During a massive war between two guilds, my computer failed me and broke. After I finally got a new computer, I had long forgotten Cyntara. Recently, when I saw the OT got "revamped" I decided to check it out! There were many more quests than before and the map was different too! After playing for a while, something just didn&rsquo;t made any sense to me… the runes and potions still remained. Now that people were starting to reach new heights in the leveling department runes seemed less and less of a viable option for self healing. After further investigation I have found out that high levels would just use potions and restock often. Now the entire situation made sense as runes became unusable and potions seemed like the better option. After a while, most people got so used to the potion situation that they thought it was meant to be that way. The main reason that i'm typing this are 3 base questions for the Cyntarian community.
1. Was it actually meant to be this way?
2. Player keep leveling and monsters get harder, will the potions stay the same without change?
3. If it is meant to be this way, why? Wouldn't revamping runes and potions so that runes are meant to be for casual use and potions for emergencies be a better option?

Tl;dr: After playing a few years back and my computer breaking in the middle of a war, I forgot about Cyntara. When I saw it got revamped, I started playing again. The map was different and some new quests had been added but the runes and potions didn&rsquo;t change and this caused a problem because people were such a high level that they completely abandoned runes and started using pots and restocking often. If possible, answer the questions above.

04 Sep 16 12:45 AM
1. yes, thats why he made it this way

2. probably, since you or anyone else has yet to come up with a viable solution that benefits all vocations equally and doesn't throw the balance of Cyntara off.

3. Why is it this way? Because there is no better solution for Cyntaras atmosphere. The second part of this question doesn't make sense because they are already that way? You even said runes were for casual hunting and pots were for emergencies then you say that they should be revamped to make them like they already are?? wut

Also, if you think they should be changed you should sit down oneday and think how you would change them. Then before posting it on forums sit down and think how you can ABUSE the new changes, play devils advocate against yourself, and if you can't find any negative aspects to the change then post it on forums and we'll help you find the negatives or agree with you. Thanks!

04 Sep 16 01:25 AM
Trith said:
1. yes, thats why he made it this way

2. probably, since you or anyone else has yet to come up with a viable solution that benefits all vocations equally and doesn't throw the balance of Cyntara off.

3. Why is it this way? Because there is no better solution for Cyntaras atmosphere. The second part of this question doesn't make sense because they are already that way? You even said runes were for casual hunting and pots were for emergencies then you say that they should be revamped to make them like they already are?? wut

Also, if you think they should be changed you should sit down oneday and think how you would change them. Then before posting it on forums sit down and think how you can ABUSE the new changes, play devils advocate against yourself, and if you can't find any negative aspects to the change then post it on forums and we'll help you find the negatives or agree with you. Thanks!
Well, to start off. I suggest the following runes to change. Strong mana rune(s) would become a all class rune (already is) that would heal 3000. This is to help keep the balance for knights. Elite mana rune would become only accessable by Paladin, Druid, and Sorcerer; It would heal 4000. This is would support the use of Exura san rai instead of Exura gran san because currently Exura san rai uses too much mana for its current heal value. (PS. This can also be "fixed" by lowering the mana cost of Exura san rai and simply not changing elite mana runes). Ultimate mana runes would become a rune only accessable to Druids and Sorcerers; It would heal 5000 which would boost the mage class's survivability.
There are a few "issues" with this change.
1. Mages can group up and "rune" a single mage from far away to have him become invincible which renders knight's "tankiness" useless. This is not as bad as one would think however because mages do not have Exeta res meaning they cannot lure in PVE and in PVP if mages are "runing" a single mage then they cannot TOT or heal themselves in any matter meaning they are not capable of dealing damage without killing themselves due to the any attack spell's mana cost.
2. Paladins would become even more powerful because they would be able to use Exura san rai. I do not see this as too much of an issue because paladins have lower base hp meaning they can get combo'ed easier and even with Elite mana rune(which heal 4k) they would not be able to heal and attack at once if they are having to spam heal in order to survive.
Let me know if any other issue pops up and we can discuss a way around it, Thank you.

Matt Bruh
05 Sep 16 09:51 AM
just no.

05 Sep 16 05:08 PM
Matt said:
just no.
No? Why not? You need to explain these things in a discussion

05 Sep 16 05:30 PM
Since what you clearly want is a buff to mages heres what you can do

1. Make GMPs heal 15k mana and have a 2 second exhaust (used for emergency but can't be spammed)

2. Make UMRs a mage only rune and heal 6-7k. This will allow them to be a primary source, but not nearly enough to tank most shit on the server.

3. Make elite mana runes heal 3k and for every vocation.

4. Make exori rai take 2k mana instead of 3k to allow for knights to be able to deal with mana drain opness.


06 Sep 16 04:44 AM
I don't see the issue with potions? Why shouldn't high levels be able to use potions as they please? This seems like natural progression of the game, to me.

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