Cyntara - Forum - What the F&$@ Did i just fish up?
21 May 17 11:22 AM
I never really messed around with mechanical fishing rods through my time on Cyntara, but i had a handful of nails and a few rods and i figured, why not? Well, after breaking two, i pull up a gyarados looking thing and i immediately die. Says something like you met a sad fate. Went to look up the name of the thing that merced me, and it just says "died to a field item", there was red text right as i died, saying i was killed by something that had a name starting with C, but id never encountered i before, nor have i found any information in the forum.
Any chances of an answer on what one shots a 1700+ Supreme Knight? lol

21 May 17 02:24 PM
Looks like you were unlucky. ;)

21 May 17 09:42 PM
Fishing with nails and mechanical fishing rods has a high risk/high reward. You were killed by "Cthulhu". Sometimes he only hits you to 1hp, other times to death. Very low chance of him killing you though so you got like double unlucky :D

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