Cyntara - Forum - Ideal Vocation Balance

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05 Jul 18 06:14 PM
Ideal Vocation Balance in PvP


Damage - 2/5
Self Healing - 2/5
Health - 5/5

Low damage / high HP tanks. Incredibly high health pool but they're unable to heal all that HP quickly themselves. If a knight is potioning for half his HP bar that's just bad design. They should be seen as basically a moving tree wall in war. Virtually impossible to headshot. Usually played by the teams leader, with the purpose in mind of being the last one alive. A knights main goal is to disrupt the enemy team. This can be done by pushing the enemy frontline into the knights own team followed by magic walling that target off from their team or by looking for empty spots within the enemy team and using magic walls to leave holes within the enemy team. This can block off enemy SD runes or leave them less room to back up if they try to retreat.

Main ways to kill a knight should be either para pushing them or pushing them while their in the frontline and magic walling them away from their sios.



Damage - 4/5
Self Healing - 5/5
Health - 3/5

The most "independant class" of the 4. Has a respectably high health pool, but unlike the EK their health pools aren't high enough to completely avoid getting headshot by a combo. What seperates this class from being just a "less tanky EK" is that they have the range of a mage with similar damage while not being gated to the healing of a great mana potion like a mage would be. Paladins also don't rely on the teams druids to sio them. They have very strong self healing spells.

An RP in PvP is the only vocation that is able to attack, use healing spells, push and magic wall without having to deal with exhaust. The main way to kill an RP is to clean combo him 100-0 or para pushing.

They should not be able to manashield on Cyntara, that just makes balancing them 100x harder than it has to be and they turn into just tankier mages. You have virtually no real way to kill the paladin since he can't be headshot and you can't out damage his healing.. RL tibia balanced the use of manashield by having GSP heal only 150 mana average while exura san costs 160 mana and exura gran san costs 210 mana. Using manashield would mean almost certain death, since even pot spamming you wouldn't get enough mana to use a healing spell. On Cyntara theres no downside to having manashield up 24/7. It needs to be removed.



Damage - 5/5
Self Healing - 3/5
Health - 1/5

Mages are pretty balanced in terms of what they should be doing in game. So I'm not going to go into detail about what their game play should look like. I've however put up how they match up compared to the other vocations in terms of damage, self healing and health just for comparisons sake.

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