Cyntara - Forum - Patchnotes - 18th Dec (2022)

Cyntara v17 Countdown

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18 Dec 22 07:00 AM
  • Fixed an issue with certain modifiers of Infused monsters causing players to drop down to 1 max health.
  • Fixed an issue with the Prey lists always rerolling the creature list when opening the Prey window if a Prey task expired.
  • Fixed an issue with Enchantment Vesseles overriding enchantments on the target item instead of adding them.
  • Removed Enchantment Removers and Enchantment Vessels from the Tool Vendor.
  • Fixed an issue with storing enchantments not restoring the original slots.
  • Fixed the prices of storing and removing enchantments.
  • Increased Cursed Chest despawn time from 15 seconds to 30 seconds.
  • Fixed an issue with certain monsters dropping items with 5 slots instead of a random number of slots.
  • Fixed Elemental Damage enchantments not showing in item tooltips (visual bug).
  • Fixed an issue with Mana Cost Reduction stat not working properly.
  • Fixed an issue with the Block Chance stat providing more value than intended.
  • Fixed an issue with Talent points removing costing gold before level 800.
  • Bestiary kills are now shared across all attackers that attacked recently and dealt at least 10% of maximum monster health damage instead of only the last hit killer.
  • Added new outfits and mounts.
  • Fixed an issue with certain Talents changing their values under some circumstances.

  • The Bestiary window will now show an overlay with a message that the feature is not yet available for players below level 400.

Known Issues:
We are aware of these issues but have no pending fixes as of yet.
  • Monster kills sometimes grant double credit towards Bestiary entries.
  • The Portable Loot Device can cause players to disconnect (or the client to close) under certain circumstances.
  • Enchantment Crystals received from Mining can sometimes not stack properly.

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