Cyntara - Forum - Charms! - A group project

Cyntara v17 Countdown

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29 Jul 16 05:35 PM
Since no one (red) wants to tell us what the charms are we should probably start a list ourselves.
Post what charms you got and i'll add them to the list for everyone to figure it out.

Stuffed dragon - You see a stuffed dragon (magic level +2, protection fire +6%, ice -8%).
Yellow Gem - yellow gem (protection holy +5%, death -3%).
Pirate Vodoo Doll - You see a pirate voodoo doll. Enchantments: luck +2%.
Blue gem - You see a blue gem (protection fire -3%, ice +5%).
Ankh - You see an ankh (protection holy +8%, death -2%).

30 Jul 16 03:02 PM
You see a violet gem (protection energy +5%, earth -3%).
It weighs 0.30 oz.
You see a black skull (protection physical -7%, energy -7%, earth -7%, fire -7%, ice -7%, holy -7%, death +4%).
It weighs 24.00 oz.

31 Jul 16 05:40 PM
dude black skull rocks!!

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