Cyntara - Forum - About Respawns and Exp after 10.1 for mid-high levels

Cyntara v17 Countdown

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23 Jul 17 03:21 PM
A small feedback from 10.1 respawns:

-Royal minions for eks is nice
-Wips its just ¿? is this exp area? they are so op for a level 400 area
-Serpent spawns are fine, ill just add a task since they got expanded
-Yakchal- quest
-Nightmayers- nostalgia spawn, but xp shud be increased
-Deeplings- nice new map
-Yielothax, maybe increase the xp or add a task so the area gets more uses than mount + quest
-Black knight bosses: they seem to be ok
-Hydras: most famous spawn since it has soul eaters+ hydras task, id suggest to make another spawn similar to this (wyrms)
-Bonebeast: useless to hunt so its more quest area
-Werewolves: great spawn
-White knights: great spawn
-Drakens: why is it named after a draken? theres no drakens here besides the boss, maybe change that name, and raise the xp per hp drakens are currently giving so its worth it hunting em at Wote
-Abyss : they are fine
-Grims: just what injuno said on a previous post
-Ghastly: great spawn
-Wyrms: awesome map, id add a task to make it similar to hydras or raise the exp
-Demon sprouts: really nice for Rps
-Golems: awesome for eks
-Demons: just the king of spawns for a team of lvl800+
-Undead dragons: really nice spawn
-Lw: same as trith said before
-Mad mages: please add more raging mages, or increase the mad mages xp
-Ice Miners: they are really OP for a level 1000, the spawn is ALOT they hit so much, heal alot, and give really low XP which make it really worthless to go there, maybe add a task or raise de current xp so it can actually compete with demons, since you need at least 2 shooters + bloker to kill a supervisor on a reasonable time

Flayers: awesome spawn

now about the NEW CYNTARA AREAS

-Swamplords: would be nice to see a boss and task for them
-Seacrest serpents: would be awesome to see more floors with more mobs, or add more mobs to the second floor, also to add a seacrest boss would be nice!

Primordial Grounds: the exp on this area is kinda weird, most of the mobs have great xp FOR A SINGLE SHOOTER sadly you cant hunt here as a single shooter/person, its meant to be for team hunting, but the exp is not even worth it (besides a certain spot with 3 mobs??out from the surrenders, the xp is just bad)

but mostly important the spawn rate here is REALLY SLOW id suggest to increase spawn rate from all the mobs, also to increase the xp from the big monsters there, such as guzzlewmaw, demon outcast, chocking fear, horrors, and shockeheads, since they have TOO MUCH DMG, also to make the caves of this mobs a bit bigger, so we can actually go for a hunt of these and not only kill 2 or 3 mobs every 8 mins(since thats +- what it takes for em to respawn)

So far im really happy to see this new mobs added to game since i suggested a version ago! keep the awesome job! :D

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