Cyntara - Forum - Every new version = Less pop

Cyntara v17 Countdown

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29 Jun 18 09:09 AM
I remember cyntara Back in the day with 1000+ players at all hours. Now that you have been making versions of Cyntara you gained no pop but lost it all. Quit adding stuff people Dont want to see Go original back to low XP Where level 1000 took months to get instead of days Go with the original Global map but revamped With events and no monster TP's Make it so they have to find the Creature to Hunt not just walk into a spawn of them wheres the fun in that? Going out and doing quest and finding new creatures to hunt and having Guilds and guild wars is where the population is at.
Not in this BS Alchemy, Enchanting, Artifacts, Transmogrification's and charms. Yea mining is cool and fun thats only if you mine to smelt and make new items. Let the server be original with nice sprites and a revamped Global map like Thais, Yalahari, port Hope, Gengia ETC. Let it have Big wars… You had the BIG name befor why not bring the BIG name back with something new they never expected from Cyntara because of all its custom BS, Go Original Bring in Low Exp, No spawns, Having events with a prize is fun all OT servers have them.. Doing this will catch people of guard and draw them in People like the originality Thats where it all started. Go back to where all started You will get your Population back.
Having a Donation button is nice, You can even add in set kits that people donate for But these kits should not have the best gear in game only medium tier make them have to work for higher tier items from bosses, Quest, Team hunts ETC - All im trying to say make Cyntara fun and Original
- Arctic

29 Jun 18 03:06 PM
Just reading that, have you ever played Cyntara before? None of what you said has ever been relevant to cyntara before?

29 Jun 18 06:20 PM
Trith said:
Just reading that, have you ever played Cyntara before? None of what you said has ever been relevant to cyntara before?
Not in Cyntaras original state Im talking real tibia and yes i have played cyntara befor 2014-2015 and i quit cause i didnt like it YOu happy now?

29 Jun 18 07:12 PM
So what you're saying is -
(1. Reimplement doner sets
(2. be 'original' yet become another RL Tibia server
(3. Remove most spawns
(4. Completely change how the entirety of the map is setup, effectively being remade entirely.
(4. Make the server a low experience version
(5. Remove most, if not all, of our current custom content.
(6. Miraculously bring in players (We currently have had all types of advertising on, so I don't know how you wish to accomplish this)

I understand you want Cyntara to be a server you want to play on, but with what you outlined above, you're ripping out what makes Cyntara what it is. I hate to break the news to you, but we aren't able to recess back in our server timeline. We are also not going to abandon the countless hours we have put into this server, we're not going to go take the cheap route most servers do, we're not going to go change our core design philosophy. Even if Red came in and said he completely agreed with this post, it would never be done because he would then be in a situation where he was in v3 or so with much less time.
Cyntara is about taking steps forward and not backwards and at this point, its much more a fan service than a biyearly affair to rake in donations. So while you may not like where we're headed, and that's fine because there are other servers out there which you describe, we will be going there regardless.

30 Jun 18 01:38 PM
You guys went from 1000+ to 40+ in a 4 year span, See any thing wrong there? just last Version you had 400+ this update dropped it 300+ in pop, i never said take it back nor did i say make donation sets to rake in donations, These type of medium tier sets are for people who support the server, You can even have a special item in shop for those who support the server for just that purpose. And when you said take it back to v3 i was disgusted… When did i say go to v3 i simply said try something different. Inst-ed of taking a step forward and losing what population you have left think about taking a nice step back to where you had the most population where people liked what the server had and stayed. If you haven't realized those people that enjoyed the server then are gone now and whats left is soon to go with them. You can even do something like a Back to the Past Era and see what happens. Just for a few months and see what that brings the server and what the "people" want in the server and take the step from there. Just a thought and a really good suggestion in my Opinion Give it a chance who knows you might bring the legacy players back or those who haven't grown of tibia in general - Good luck!

30 Jun 18 06:13 PM
Guess it's time to quit cyntara. With the new update I downloaded, it contained a virus. it automatically shuts down the new client. Basically got screwed, and donated to a server that gave me a virus.

30 Jun 18 06:46 PM
Rubix said:
Guess it's time to quit cyntara. With the new update I downloaded, it contained a virus. it automatically shuts down the new client. Basically got screwed, and donated to a server that gave me a virus.

Except I literally see you ingame ????

30 Jun 18 07:52 PM
Rubix said:
Guess it's time to quit cyntara. With the new update I downloaded, it contained a virus. it automatically shuts down the new client. Basically got screwed, and donated to a server that gave me a virus.

While I don't mind Arctic sharing his ideas as to what he feels would help improve Cyntara, I will not stand for accusations like this.

The software we distribute is to be used at your own risk; with that being said, we do not nor have we ever distributed malware to our users.

Saying that you got a virus from downloading our client or that we are intentionally spreading malware is not only untrue but offensive.
If you have an issue with Cyntara we're always welcome to feedback. If you're going to go as far as to attempt to spread lies about the software we distribute, you can take your money and leave. I've said it before and I'll say it again - we run Cyntara for fun, this is not a business to us.


01 Jul 18 09:25 AM
Rubix said:
Guess it's time to quit cyntara. With the new update I downloaded, it contained a virus. it automatically shuts down the new client. Basically got screwed, and donated to a server that gave me a virus.
Thats very offensive to tell a Server thats trying to run strong that you got malaware from there client…. Why would they run 9 years just to put malaware in there clients…. The accusations are real with this one

12 Jul 18 07:56 AM
The server is just amazing… I started yesterday. Currently I'm playing on 3 different servers , and this server is one of a kind, I really like it and I'm having a lot of fun even tho I'm playing alone… The systems, the quests, everything is edited in a good way, It's something different, and that is what i like. I was not sure to play here because of the pop… well i was wrong. I'd like to see more people around tho… I wonder what we can do to bring more people here

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