Cyntara - Forum - Client bug
09 Feb 19 10:06 PM
Well this happened when i entered first warzone boss:

10 Feb 19 12:09 AM
Is your client fully updated? Did you make a new folder location for the client or did you overwrite the old files? Sometimes if you just overwrite the old files with the new ones, it doesn't always work. I recommend to delete all of those then import the new client files in an empty folder.

10 Feb 19 12:15 AM
Fargo said:
Is your client fully updated? Did you make a new folder location for the client or did you overwrite the old files? Sometimes if you just overwrite the old files with the new ones, it doesn't always work. I recommend to delete all of those then import the new client files in an empty folder.

Nope i downloaded the game again, didnt have the old version and ye, it has to be fully updated, i downloaded it from here so.. ye haha

10 Feb 19 07:11 AM
You could try to see if there's anything logged in the cyntara.log file, it's a text file that you should be able to find in the client folder. If it exists, and isn't empty, feel free to upload its contents to pastebin and post the link here, or send me the file on Discord and I'll look into it.

10 Feb 19 09:37 AM
Maybe its this?

10 Feb 19 09:47 AM
Yes, that's it, thanks. For the time being when that bug occurs, relogging should fix it. We'll address it in a future client update.

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