Cyntara - Forum - Patch #5

Cyntara v17 Countdown

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29 Aug 16 02:39 AM
The following changes have been implemented in Cyntara v9 Patch #5


  • Fix an issue with the Charm Bag where players were able to swap out items for non-charms.
  • Updated the automated Help channel response system; more auto-response keywords were added, and when a keyword is triggered, only the player sending the message will receive the information message (to mitigate channel spam.)
  • Fix the spellrune name for Tempest rune.
  • Fix an issue with bed modification kits.
  • Fix an issue in the Oblivion Gate where players could resummon The Gatekeeper indefinitely. If a player possesses the old "item to spawn" The Gatekeeper, they will be able to spawn him once more and then the issue will be corrected with the old item.
  • Adjustments were made to Zydrate, buff spells, and rebirth bonus damage to better reflect Cyntara in its current state. Former values were set at a time before enchantments were introduced.
  • Add internal adjustments to the teleport room script.
  • Refactor the entire rebirth function. Fixing a lot of archaic issues; the code is much more clean and flexible. Also mitigating an issue where newly-rebirthed players would have an incorrect amount of health/mana displayed.
  • Fix a few "broken" monster voice sentences.
  • Refactor house cleaning. Houses no longer "clean" at server startup, but rather clean every day, while the server is online, at a random time in the day.
  • Add numerous enhancements to development scripts.
  • Refactor a lot of minor item stats.
  • Add Discord Bot - Penny: Penny will relay messages between the server and Discord. "Events" => #activity & "Help" => #help. Discord members will now be able to see Server Activity messages through Discord in real-time and the Cyntara Staff will now be able to read and reply to the Help Channel through Discord.
  • Fix Paladin Armor weight.
  • Fix an issue where players were able to summon monsters in the Nazi Zombies event.
  • Fix an issue where monsters would not spawn in the Challenge Room under certain conditions.
  • Remove the old functionality for the Oblivion Key. New functionality may be added in the future.
  • And as always, we have added new content that will be released at a later date!

  • Fix an issue where guild leaders / vice leaders were unable to kick players from their guild.
  • Expand and refactor the Library page. (This is a work-in-progress.)
  • Add a new Armory page. This page contains explicit details related to all pieces of equipment in the gameworld.
  • Add a new Discord widget to the sidebar.


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