Cyntara - Forum - Draken Warmasters
Pew Pew
03 Sep 16 09:03 PM
the warmasters are way too strong
i (lvl 1030 druid) tried too kill 2 at once with stairhopping
but the problem is that they generate 8k every second and dealing each more then 10k dmg with 1 attack
but the other drakens are all easy dead in 2 mins only warmasters got too much hp do too much dmg and regen too fast and too much
ithey are stronger then king magus as an example, and they are only normal monsters
maybe someone should check their info and change hp regen and hp

03 Sep 16 11:47 PM
I agree, most drakens are too hard to be hunted/useful. Its a shame too cause walls would be so great to hunt :(

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