Cyntara - Forum - Lottorey/Events/Mc suggestions
13 Sep 16 05:14 PM
There is some problems with lottery. People who bot with multi clients have an unfair advantage of winning the lottery more so than others, say 5/10x the same people are always winning. Maybe if the multi clienting was fix more people would have better chance of winning. There is also some problems with events not giving coins. Maybe you could fix that too, because people who may not have the extra money to donate get their points from going to events. Recently the events have no been giving coins to people, another suggestion would be more frequently events.

13 Sep 16 10:53 PM
1. Events happen every hour and usually take about 10 minutes to "start", if this was any more frequent it would be borderline spam and make people rage.

2. There was an update to how points are given in events. Now if people share an ip address only ONE person from that IP gets the coins. This is to stop abuse.

3. The lottery is a shit way to get donors, if you want donors go do task bosses or check boss spawns. This how I got most of my donors and how a lot of others did.

13 Sep 16 11:22 PM
well if the lotto give to same person everytime its not fair no is it? & i didnt say loto give donor. i said some use coins to get donors & if events dont give coins if your not mc like all the damn botters. how you suppose to get coins.. & you can hunt bosses when you dont have a 7 man team of botters, now can you?

15 Sep 16 03:11 PM
The lottery does not reward the same people all the time, it's picking the winners at random. You are, however, right that people using multiclient increase their chances of winning but I've not seen anyone actively running more than 3 clients so they only increase their chances marginally (well, it's about 2.5% with current average player count, so it might seem much but it's still not a huge fraction that it would warrant a rewrite of the system), and since the MC is allowed for such a general use, you are free to use it as well if you'd like to.

You don't need a 7 man team of botters to loot Cyntara Coins either, there are rare spawns of lower level monsters that reward Cyntara Coins. Some task bosses drop them as well, and since the system by design allows only one person to kill the boss at a time, you don't need a team for that.

Regarding the Cyntara Coin rewards from event lobbies - we're looking into it.

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