Cyntara - Forum - Cyntara v10-s2 Screenshot Thread + Lottery

Cyntara v16s2 Countdown

Create your character now!

30 Dec 17 06:16 PM
I'm happy to announce that the first contest for Cyntara v10-s2 will be a screenshot contest + Lottery!
During the first 7 days of Cyntara v10-s2's release we will be drawing 1-3 winner(s) for a prize. The number of winners that are selected depend on the number of participants we receive for each day.

How do I get a ticket?

Simply post an interesting or fun screenshot from your Cyntara v10-s2 journey in this thread.
You can receive a second, free ticket each day by posting your screenshot on the Cyntara's Thread on OTLand.

What time do I have to have my screenshot posted on this thread in order to be considered for the daily drawing?
10:00pm EST. (Approximately 4 hours from the time of this post)

Let's see what you got, Cyntarists!

30 Dec 17 06:39 PM


30 Dec 17 07:16 PM
hell yea i killed completed it

30 Dec 17 09:48 PM
Hard season

30 Dec 17 10:57 PM
The first attempt at Trial by Fire

The team starting out

The team that lasted until the halfway point then died shortly after.

31 Dec 17 10:07 AM

31 Dec 17 12:21 PM
Maazik said:

Maazik the new rpg god :P

01 Jan 18 05:38 PM
The first few days worth of winners will be posted tomorrow after 10pm EST!!

Remember you can win for every day of the week you post a screenshot!


Azur Mayne
01 Jan 18 06:32 PM

02 Jan 18 11:02 AM

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