Cyntara v17 Countdown

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18 Jan 18 02:26 AM
Hey Brandon, Thanks for the suggestions, I talked about some of them here , about equipment and rebirthing. In terms of experience, we can look a little closer at it again but this isn't a change you can do in the middle of the season so it's something that will be evaluated and adjusted for the summer season. If we lower experience too much then people won't be able to start PVPing as easily, and if we lower the requirement to say 300 then more new players are going to be killed consistently by 800s+. The experience debate will likely be an ongoing process and I'd like to hear everyone's opinion about it.
I personally like the charm idea where they're tied to your character and have to equip them to use them so you are required to make some sacrifices.

With the pvping from going to the magic store, you can go to other towns under the depot (Thais is a good area to refill as you don't have to worry about raids). It's not ideal but possible. With being PK'd in spawns, there's not much we can do about that as PVP is a core Cyntara feature. Removing PVP from areas is just going to make those areas hotspots for bots; even if those areas were bad exp and loot, they'd still be hunted at regardless.

I am glad to see some discussion on the forums though. Keep it coming.

18 Jan 18 06:44 PM
Seeing 2 lvl 1000+ killing people off in crazed beggars because they can't set one of their characters to bot there, is pretty much power abuse. I was heading to the boss there last weekend and saw 2 corruption people sitting there. One doing exiva and the other staying put by the teleporter so if people came in to help the lvl 500ish keep from getting killed, that person was there to kill them. That to me is power abuse. You can always put a level cap on hunting spawns. That spot though is very easy to task, easy to make gold at, but power abuse like that can cause people to not play. If this game is team based, wouldn't you want everyone to stay and get the expedience of the game and not the experience of "Oh this is full of power abuse teams, I will go elsewhere" I know some wont like level cap spawns, but it could work though and keep some players around. Just a suggestion.

Ever wonder when midgets talk about when they were kids, do they say "When I was little.." lolol

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