Cyntara - Forum - Cyntara's Leveling and Items systems overhaul

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17 Jan 18 08:11 PM
Hello there!

I propose the overhaul of the whole leveling and items systems we got now, to reduce the power creep, everything else on the server would have to be modified and balanced around this though, so its a lot of work.

This suggestion comes from remembering what my most enjoyable times in Cyntara were, after talking to a fellow old Cyntarist he agreed that those were the best times for him aswell.

I'm not sure what version was this at, probably somewhere between V4 and V7, what made that version enjoyable to me was a place we used to call the "Noob Zone", this was the place you'd get to level 600 at, then you'd be kicked out and unable to go back in(Whichever version it was, Red surely knows, as he removed it after he saw what this was doing to the server).

What we used to do back then was, we'd keep our characters at levels 500ish so we could war in this place forever, this place had some restrictions too, such as no strong donor items could be used there, only the weakest donor items could, this gave everyone a sense of fairness, and that's why it became so successful that virtually everyone had Noob Zone characters to war with.

I'm not here to propose we bring Noob Zone back, not as a separate part of the "main" server like it used to be, at least. I come here to propose we change Cyntara's leveling system to one that sets the standard level to 500-800 and never above 800.

I also suggest we bring 20 rebirths back(it was available back then) and we make the rebirthing level 800, but getting to that level should be difficult as all hell, perhaps weeks of leveling, EXP should be stupidly low after 700.

This also makes it so even a level 790 player who has spent countless more hours, probably an entire month leveling up and is about to rebirth can be easily defeated by two or three level 500-600 players, which have spent at most one or two weeks in the server.

For this to work the death penalty after level 700 would have to be severely reduced, a level 750 player should never lose more than like 20-30% EXP upon death, as that would discourage people from fighting, or leveling past 700. Lower levels(500-700) which are already pretty high level anyway should get a higher death penalty, one equivalent to the raw amount of EXP the level 750 will lose.

I find this to be much more healthy than what we currently got, because even a small group of "new" level 200-300 players could easily defeat a level 600-800 player if he lets his guard down. Imo this would greatly help with power abuse(we never had such a thing in Noob Zone, everyone was around equally strong, or rather, weak).

Right now anyone joining the server and seeing levels 1400 running around, and not knowing what to do next, will probably get discouraged, much more discouraged than they would if they saw levels 600-700(the 1400 equivalent of this new Cyntara I'm proposing), even though in reality, both are similarly difficult to achieve.

A level 400 in this hypothetical Cyntara would be much more threatening to a level 700 than a level 700 is to a level 1400 in current Cyntara. And the newer player will be able to quickly comprehend this.

Now, let's discuss items.

I believe it would be good if we brought back MaxHP and MaxMana percentage boost to items, that made items feel much more worthwhile, the only problem we had with that system was that the best of those items were donation-only, and that was stupidly unfair, now that all equipment is free and obtainable in-game, there's no reason beyond "its too much work" not to add MaxHP% and MaxMana% to items.

Now, by logic, this change shouldn't actually change anything, and therefore would be a waste of resources, because if you add MaxHP% and MaxMana% to items, you also have to increase damage done, it would seem like a pointless change, but it is not. It gives players the illusion that their items are really, really cool, unlike now, the only thing making items good right now are Enchantments, something that doesn't need to go away. % protections seem quite worthless right now, mages hit like a truck regardless of your equipment, etc, equipment legitimately feels worthless. I've a friend who was Red Skull for 2 days and he was PKing with me normally, high level players weren't killing him any faster than with his equipment, all it did was reduce his damage(because of the ML, which, again, doesn't need to change at all).
This change gives items an imaginary value, humans love cool shiny items that do cool, noticeable things, for all we know everything our current items say they do could be a lie and they actually do nothing, their effects beyond ML/skills aren't noticeable/we aren't able to verify them. A +15% Death Resist for mages(Maximum you can get for PvP?) won't actually make a ToT hurt significantly less.

There's another couple reasons I want Cyntara's damage to remain high: People love big numbers, and personally I LOVE the Triple Overtime casting speed, I want the best offensive Mage rune to have the super fast cast time the Triple Overtime has always had and still has, I don't ever want this to change, EVEN if the actual damage per second wouldn't actually change at all. This to me is a key feature of Cyntara and changing it would make me feel like I'm playing Tibia and not Cyntara. Tibia is an awful, slow-paced game.

That's it for now. Feel free to argue these points in the comments.

Regards, Zaul

17 Jan 18 08:23 PM
Noob zone had more population than main server it seemed some of the resets tbh..

17 Jan 18 10:54 PM
I do agree with the fair enviroment system, but i do reject the idea of lv 800 as cap and countless time exping… (maybe make it 1200) since u said people love big numbers, i do love big levels, and "taking months" to exp is not anyone would want, so ye, i agree with make it slower just not shit impossible.. just a way u can sit down a exp for hours to get ur last 100 lvls or rather go pk and have time using ur first 1100 levels..
besides that.. im fine with the ToT dmg and casting time, and will support the maxhp/maxmana stuff and would strongly recommend a balance to vocations with no donors on the field anymore.

17 Jan 18 11:40 PM
Dafter said:
I do agree with the fair enviroment system, but i do reject the idea of lv 800 as cap and countless time exping… (maybe make it 1200) since u said people love big numbers, i do love big levels, and "taking months" to exp is not anyone would want, so ye, i agree with make it slower just not shit impossible.. just a way u can sit down a exp for hours to get ur last 100 lvls or rather go pk and have time using ur first 1100 levels..
besides that.. im fine with the ToT dmg and casting time, and will support the maxhp/maxmana stuff and would strongly recommend a balance to vocations with no donors on the field anymore.

Thing is, I'm thinking about a long-term, non-resetting Cyntara, one where people can see stuff like 20 rebirths and level 900 as a big achievement, stuff that takes like a year or two, the distance from level 8 to level 1200 LOOKS significantly bigger than to level 800, even if the EXP required and strength of the characters is exactly the same. The purpose of this change is to make it so newer players can reach a competitive level quickly, even if they lack a lot of Cyntara knowledge, Cyntara currently isn't newbie friendly at all, they have to figure out a half efficient way to reach level 1400 , which is really hard when like 95% spawns are utter garbage, they also have to make friends or they'll never know of things like Triple Overtime Rune, the gap between the experienced, knowledgeable level 1400 and a new player is massive; and not only is it massive, but its also OBVIOUS, which is a problem, because that makes playing the server in such condition very unappealing. The difference between an experienced, knowledgeable level 500-800 player and a newbie, even if massive, is not obvious, and they will have a chance to fight back, even if they lack server-specific knowledge and are fairly new.

Regarding ToT damage, ToT damage is hysterically overpowered right now, be it because everyone is running around with 250 ML or whatever it is, but this is a topic for a different thread, but yes, I'd like to see the same numbers(6k-15k per ToT) but it has to be balanced properly, by increasing MaxHP and MaxMana(through items) and the amount potions heal, it would also be pretty cool if we can get the like 3000-5000 mana regen per second we used to have with the donor items(no clue how much the HP regen was, didn't play EK back then)

18 Jan 18 02:04 AM
Rebalancing of early to mid-game equipment is something we are looking into at the moment. It's quite the task in of itself to go through it all from monster drops to quests. I have done suggestions regarding +%hp equipment for knights and paladins to help with their squishiness as well as some tweaks to other equipment allowing you to 'jump' a few tiers. I'll look into having more equipment added into quests to make a better progression of equipment but such changes won't be able to be added this season due to conflicts.

As for rebirthing, people now expect to be given something in return for going through the effort of doing so. We can always have it so you can rebirth indefinitely but what would be the driving factor? Players now want some kind of reward for their efforts. We obviously cannot simply keep upping the health/mana/damage per rebirth as that would get out of hand and there is currently enough ways to increase your damage. If you have some ideas let us know.

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