Cyntara - Forum - Triths shit opinions on season 10 v2

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31 Jan 18 10:17 PM
First i'd like to start off with stuff I think you did wrong this version

1. The amount of weapon tiers in the weapon upgrades, there are far too many and I feel it dilutes the spectrum and makes it too easy to pay2win the early game.

2. The extreme lack of staff hosted events in the opening 1-2 weeks of the server.

3. Buffing the wrong spawns for no reason.

4. Making mages hit like absolute trucks. Their PvP damage needs to be nerfed.

5. Lack of "endgame" content

And the things I think that were done massively right

1. Listening to players pretty quickly, Like at the start with the monster damage.

2. No more donors praise jesus

3. Artifact weapons were a great addition

Ps; My threads got weak as fuck over time

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