Cyntara - Forum - Patchnotes - 7th Sep

Cyntara v17 Countdown

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07 Sep 19 04:24 AM
  • Fixed an issue with NPC Culex not spawning sometimes.
  • Moved the Spectral Awakening DQ to the NPC room.
  • Adjusted the health of Zeorria, the Lava Dragon task boss, and Tuzol, the Crystal Dragon task boss.
  • Added all the newest bosses to Kill Statistics.
  • Decreased the cooldowns for Warzone 2 and Warzone 3; the Gnomission item prices have been adjusted accordingly.
  • Rebirthing will now reset all Daily Quests.
  • Tyransict will now have Reward Chest loot.
  • Added Yeti task.
  • Fixed an issue with the Weekly Quests stopping to work sometimes.
  • Expanded the White Knight spawn.

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