Crypto Payments
Pay for Cyntara Coins with Cryptocurrencies.
Send a Cryptocurrency from the list below to the QR Code or Address and include your Account Name in the Memo.
Cyntara Coins will be added to your account as soon as possible.
Upon payment for Cyntara Coins you automatically agree to have read and accepted the Cyntara Terms & Agreements.
Send a Cryptocurrency from the list below to the QR Code or Address and include your Account Name in the Memo.
Cyntara Coins will be added to your account as soon as possible.
Upon payment for Cyntara Coins you automatically agree to have read and accepted the Cyntara Terms & Agreements.
Crypto Methods
Bitcoin | Ethereum | Dogecoin | Litecoin |
Address: |
Address: |
Address: |
Address: |
Need help?
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Please provide your character name, your payment method, and your e-mail address that you used to make your payment.