Cyntara - Forum - BOT

Cyntara v17 Countdown

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28 Sep 21 08:12 AM
good morning, is anyone having a problem with the BOT for him to make the scheduled route?
for example, he goes around the basement when he arrives to start walking again he stays still, the other things work… attack, healing…

Winter Soldier
13 Oct 21 10:28 AM
Genin said:
good morning, is anyone having a problem with the BOT for him to make the scheduled route?
for example, he goes around the basement when he arrives to start walking again he stays still, the other things work… attack, healing…

maybe , could help you, try export your cavebot settings and where are you using this, to check if the bot works fine, or is an error from your configuration !!


im the only one ! , el unico

07 Aug 22 08:39 AM
Go to respawn, kill all nearby monsters, re-log, solved

24 Dec 22 10:42 PM
You may not have setup your path correctly or you are getting stuck targeting a monster you can't reach. Go into targeting and make sure target reachable and target shootable are checked.

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