Cyntara - Library - Armory - Legs

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  Library   Armory   Legs
No matter what you want, you should not be running around without some kind of protection on your legs. There might not be as many choices as armors but be rest assured, the protection is well worth the otherwise unexpected accidents.

  Name Attributes Vocations Level & Rebirth
Leather Legs Weight: 18.0 oz
Armor: 1
Studded Legs Weight: 26.0 oz
Armor: 2
Chain Legs Weight: 35.0 oz
Armor: 3
Mana Regeneration: +50 / 1.0 sec
Magic Level: +1
Physical Protection: +1%
Sorcerer, Druid
Glacier Kilt Weight: 19.0 oz
Armor: 4
Mana Regeneration: +75 / 1.0 sec
Magic Level: +1
Energy Protection: -6%
Ice Protection: +6%
Mana: +1%
Sorcerer, Druid 100
Lightning Legs Weight: 19.0 oz
Armor: 4
Mana Regeneration: +75 / 1.0 sec
Magic Level: +1
Energy Protection: +6%
Earth Protection: -6%
Mana: +1%
Sorcerer, Druid 100
Pirate Knee Breeches Weight: 12.0 oz
Armor: 4
Terra Legs Weight: 19.0 oz
Armor: 4
Mana Regeneration: +75 / 1.0 sec
Magic Level: +1
Fire Protection: -6%
Earth Protection: +6%
Mana: +1%
Sorcerer, Druid 100
Magma Legs Weight: 19.0 oz
Armor: 4
Mana Regeneration: +75 / 1.0 sec
Magic Level: +1
Fire Protection: +6%
Ice Protection: -6%
Mana: +1%
Sorcerer, Druid 100
Mammoth Fur Shorts Weight: 1.0 oz
Armor: 4
Health Regeneration: +25 / 1.0 sec
Mana Regeneration: +35 / 1.0 sec
Magic Level: +2
Physical Protection: +1%
Sorcerer, Druid
Ice-feathered Kilt Weight: 21.0 oz
Armor: 5
Mana Regeneration: +100 / 1.0 sec
Magic Level: +2
Ice Protection: +4%
Mana: +2%
Sorcerer, Druid 300
Brass Legs Weight: 38.0 oz
Armor: 5
Health Regeneration: +20 / 1.0 sec
Mana Regeneration: +20 / 1.0 sec
Paladin, Knight
Magical Kilt Weight: 21.0 oz
Armor: 5
Mana Regeneration: +90 / 1.0 sec
Magic Level: +1
Holy Protection: +4%
Mana: +2%
Elven Legs Weight: 48.0 oz
Armor: 6
Mana Regeneration: +30 / 1.0 sec
Magic Level: +1
Earth Protection: +2%
Sorcerer, Druid
Ranger Legs Weight: 35.0 oz
Armor: 6
Health Regeneration: +30 / 1.0 sec
Mana Regeneration: +30 / 1.0 sec
Distance Fighting: +1
Health: +2%
Paladin 80
Plate Legs Weight: 50.0 oz
Armor: 6
Health Regeneration: +25 / 1.0 sec
Mana Regeneration: +25 / 1.0 sec
Physical Protection: +1%
Health: +1%
Copper Legs Weight: 48.0 oz
Armor: 6
Health Regeneration: +35 / 1.0 sec
Mana Regeneration: +35 / 1.0 sec
Distance Fighting: +2
Health: +3%
Paladin 80
Green Leggings Weight: 21.0 oz
Armor: 6
Mana Regeneration: +120 / 1.0 sec
Magic Level: +3
Earth Protection: +5%
Mana: +2%
Sorcerer, Druid 450
Steel Plate Legs Weight: 35.0 oz
Armor: 6
Health Regeneration: +75 / 1.0 sec
Mana Regeneration: +50 / 1.0 sec
Magic Level: +1
Physical Protection: +2%
Health: +2%
Amethyst Plate Leggings Weight: 22.0 oz
Armor: 7
Mana Regeneration: +145 / 1.0 sec
Magic Level: +4
Energy Protection: +5%
Mana: +3%
Adept Sorcerer, Adept Druid 575
Zaoan Legs Weight: 66.0 oz
Armor: 7
Health Regeneration: +60 / 1.0 sec
Mana Regeneration: +50 / 1.0 sec
Distance Fighting: +2
Health: +4%
Mana: +1%
Physical Protection: +2%
Paladin 250
Knight Legs Weight: 70.0 oz
Armor: 7
Health Regeneration: +30 / 1.0 sec
Mana Regeneration: +30 / 1.0 sec
Energy Protection: +2%
Holy Protection: +2%
Health: +2%
Knight 80
Crown Legs Weight: 48.0 oz
Armor: 7
Health Regeneration: +40 / 1.0 sec
Mana Regeneration: +40 / 1.0 sec
Health: +3%
Knight 80
Leather Strapped Legs Weight: 48.0 oz
Armor: 8
Health Regeneration: +75 / 1.0 sec
Mana Regeneration: +50 / 1.0 sec
Health: +4%
Death Protection: +3%
Physical Protection: +2%
Exotic Legs Weight: 72.0 oz
Armor: 8
Physical Protection: +4%
Shard Plate Legs Weight: 46.0 oz
Armor: 8
Health Regeneration: +100 / 1.0 sec
Mana Regeneration: +50 / 1.0 sec
Health: +4%
Energy Protection: +5%
knight 300
Archaic Legs Weight: 28.0 oz
Armor: 8
Mana Regeneration: +170 / 1.0 sec
Magic Level: +6
Mana Cost Reduction: +5%
Earth Protection: +5%
Mana: +4%
Master Sorcerer, Elder Druid 800
Alloy Legs Weight: 45.0 oz
Armor: 8
Fire Protection: +10%
Forest Hunter Legs Weight: 55.0 oz
Armor: 8
Health Regeneration: +70 / 1.0 sec
Mana Regeneration: +50 / 1.0 sec
Distance Fighting: +3
Health: +4%
Mana: +1%
Earth Protection: +5%
Paladin 300
Bast Legs Weight: 64.0 oz
Armor: 8
Energy Protection: +4%
Distance Fighting: +2
Depth Ocrea Weight: 145.0 oz
Armor: 8
Mana Regeneration: +150 / 1.0 sec
Magic Level: +6
Mana Drain Protection: +15%
Mana: +3%
Life Drain Protection: +10%
Boss Damage Reduction: +10%
Adept Sorcerer, Adept Druid 650
Blue Legs Weight: 10.0 oz
Armor: 8
Mana Regeneration: +175 / 1.0 sec
Magic Level: +6
Physical Protection: +3%
Death Protection: +5%
Mana Leech: +1%
Mana: +4%
Sorcerer, Druid 600
Dragon Scale Legs Weight: 48.0 oz
Armor: 9
Health Regeneration: +50 / 1.0 sec
Mana Regeneration: +50 / 1.0 sec
Distance Fighting: +4
Health: +3%
Energy Protection: +4%
Fire Protection: +4%
Ice Protection: +4%
Holy Protection: +4%
Physical Protection: +4%
All 250
Gilded Plate Leggings Weight: 54.0 oz
Armor: 9
Health Regeneration: +75 / 1.0 sec
Mana Regeneration: +50 / 1.0 sec
Distance Fighting: +4
Health: +5%
Mana: +1%
Holy Protection: +4%
Paladin 450
Vampiric Legs Weight: 58.0 oz
Armor: 9
Health Regeneration: +100 / 1.0 sec
Mana Regeneration: +50 / 1.0 sec
Melee: +1
Health: +6%
Death Protection: +2%
Knight 450
Rubinite Legs Weight: 82.0 oz
Armor: 9
Health Regeneration: +90 / 1.0 sec
Mana Regeneration: +60 / 1.0 sec
Shielding: +2
Health: +4%
Fire Protection: +3%
Earth Protection: -3%
Physical Protection: +2%
Gill Legs Weight: 28.0 oz
Armor: 9
Mana Regeneration: +200 / 1.0 sec
Magic Level: +7
Earth Protection: +5%
Mana: +5%
Damage vs. Bosses: +6%
Master Sorcerer, Elder Druid 600
Yalahari Leg Piece Weight: 65.0 oz
Armor: 10
Health Regeneration: +80 / 1.0 sec
Mana Regeneration: +75 / 1.0 sec
Distance Fighting: +5
Health: +6%
Mana: +1%
Death Protection: +3%
Adept Paladin 500
Soulstrider Weight: 38.0 oz
Armor: 10
Fire Protection: +10%
Mechanical Legs Weight: 19.0 oz
Armor: 10
Health Regeneration: +115 / 1.0 sec
Mana Regeneration: +55 / 1.0 sec
Melee: +1
Health: +7%
Physical Protection: +2%
Energy Protection: +2%
Knight 600
Soulshanks Weight: 38.0 oz
Armor: 10
Death Protection: +10%
Icy Culotte Weight: 22.0 oz
Armor: 10
Mana Regeneration: +175 / 1.0 sec
Magic Level: +6
Ice Protection: +8%
Physical Protection: +6%
Mana Leech: +1%
Mana: +5%
Sorcerer, Druid 800
Amber Legs Weight: 55.0 oz
Armor: 10
Health Regeneration: +100 / 1.0 sec
Mana Regeneration: +50 / 1.0 sec
Melee: +1
Health: +8%
Fire Protection: +4%
Knight 350
Leaf Legs Weight: 12.0 oz
Armor: 10
Health Regeneration: +110 / 1.0 sec
Mana Regeneration: +70 / 1.0 sec
Shielding: +3
Health: +2%
Earth Protection: +4%
Death Protection: -2%
Physical Protection: +4%
Adept Knight 300
Grasshopper Legs Weight: 23.0 oz
Armor: 11
Speed: +1
Health Regeneration: +90 / 1.0 sec
Mana Regeneration: +80 / 1.0 sec
Distance Fighting: +6
Health: +7%
Mana: +2%
Earth Protection: +5%
Paladin 650
Starbringer Legs Weight: 28.0 oz
Armor: 11
Mana Regeneration: +250 / 1.0 sec
Magic Level: +8
Physical Protection: +3%
Death Protection: +3%
Critical Damage: +5%
Mana Leech: +2%
Mana: +5%

You can upgrade this item to a battlemage item using a tier set upgrade token.
Master Sorcerer, Elder Druid 1000
Battlemage Legs (t3) Weight: 28.0 oz
Armor: 12
Mana Regeneration: +300 / 1.0 sec
Magic Level: +9
Physical Protection: +4%
Death Protection: +4%
Critical Damage: +5%
Mana Leech: +4%
Mana: +7%

You can upgrade this item to another tier using 4 tier set upgrade tokens.
Master Sorcerer, Elder Druid 1000
Battlemage Legs (t6) Weight: 28.0 oz
Armor: 12
Mana Regeneration: +375 / 1.0 sec
Magic Level: +11
Physical Protection: +4%
Death Protection: +4%
Critical Damage: +5%
Mana Leech: +5%
Mana: +10%
Master Sorcerer, Elder Druid 1000
Battlemage Legs (t2) Weight: 28.0 oz
Armor: 12
Mana Regeneration: +275 / 1.0 sec
Magic Level: +9
Physical Protection: +4%
Death Protection: +4%
Critical Damage: +5%
Mana Leech: +4%
Mana: +6%

You can upgrade this item to another tier using 3 tier set upgrade tokens.
Master Sorcerer, Elder Druid 1000
Battlemage Legs (t5) Weight: 28.0 oz
Armor: 12
Mana Regeneration: +350 / 1.0 sec
Magic Level: +10
Physical Protection: +4%
Death Protection: +4%
Critical Damage: +5%
Mana Leech: +5%
Mana: +9%

You can upgrade this item to another tier using 6 tier set upgrade tokens.
Master Sorcerer, Elder Druid 1000
Golden Legs Weight: 54.0 oz
Armor: 12
Health Regeneration: +150 / 1.0 sec
Mana Regeneration: +75 / 1.0 sec
Melee: +1
Health: +10%
Physical Protection: +3%
Adept Knight 650
Battlemage Legs (t4) Weight: 28.0 oz
Armor: 12
Mana Regeneration: +325 / 1.0 sec
Magic Level: +10
Physical Protection: +4%
Death Protection: +4%
Critical Damage: +5%
Mana Leech: +5%
Mana: +8%

You can upgrade this item to another tier using 5 tier set upgrade tokens.
Master Sorcerer, Elder Druid 1000
Battlemage Legs (t1) Weight: 28.0 oz
Armor: 12
Mana Regeneration: +250 / 1.0 sec
Magic Level: +8
Physical Protection: +4%
Death Protection: +4%
Critical Damage: +5%
Mana Leech: +3%
Mana: +5%

You can upgrade this item to another tier using 2 tier set upgrade tokens.
Master Sorcerer, Elder Druid 1000
Legs Of Despair Weight: 45.0 oz
Armor: 12
Health Regeneration: +95 / 1.0 sec
Mana Regeneration: +85 / 1.0 sec
Distance Fighting: +7
Health: +8%
Mana: +2%
Physical Protection: +2%
Fire Protection: +3%
Adept Paladin 800
Guardian Legs Weight: 77.0 oz
Armor: 12
Health Regeneration: +100 / 1.0 sec
Mana Regeneration: +80 / 1.0 sec
Distance Fighting: +8
Shielding: +3
Health: +12%
Mana: +2%
Life Drain Protection: +10%
Physical Protection: +5%
Boss Damage Reduction: +10%
Demonborn Legs Weight: 45.0 oz
Armor: 13
Health Regeneration: +100 / 1.0 sec
Mana Regeneration: +70 / 1.0 sec
Melee: +1
Distance Fighting: +7
Health: +6%
Magic Level: +1
Fire Protection: +3%
Death Protection: +2%
Physical Protection: +5%
Prismatic Legs Weight: 71.0 oz
Armor: 13
Health Regeneration: +130 / 1.0 sec
Mana Regeneration: +110 / 1.0 sec
Melee: +3
Distance Fighting: +8
Health: +10%
Mana: +3%
Physical Protection: +4%
Damage vs. Bosses: +6%
Royal Paladin, Elite Knight 600
Demon Legs Weight: 54.0 oz
Armor: 13
Health Regeneration: +100 / 1.0 sec
Mana Regeneration: +70 / 1.0 sec
Melee: +2
Distance Fighting: +8
Health: +12%
Mana: +2%
Fire Protection: +8%
Death Protection: +2%
Physical Protection: +4%
Life Leech: +3%
Royal Paladin, Elite Knight 750
Ornate Legs Weight: 77.0 oz
Armor: 14
Health Regeneration: +100 / 1.0 sec
Mana Regeneration: +80 / 1.0 sec
Melee: +3
Shielding: +3
Health: +12%
Mana: +2%
Life Drain Protection: +10%
Physical Protection: +5%
Boss Damage Reduction: +10%
Knight 800
High Noble Legs Weight: 32.0 oz
Armor: 14
Health Regeneration: +150 / 1.0 sec
Mana Regeneration: +125 / 1.0 sec
Distance Fighting: +10
Health: +10%
Mana: +4%
Death Protection: +3%
Physical Protection: +3%
Life Leech: +5%
Critical Damage: +5%
Royal Paladin 1000
Amethyst Palladium Legs (t6) Weight: 32.0 oz
Armor: 15
Health Regeneration: +275 / 1.0 sec
Mana Regeneration: +250 / 1.0 sec
Distance Fighting: +12
Health: +15%
Mana: +9%
Death Protection: +4%
Physical Protection: +4%
Life Leech: +8%
Mana Leech: +6%
Critical Damage: +5%
Royal Paladin 1000
Amethyst Palladium Legs (t5) Weight: 32.0 oz
Armor: 15
Health Regeneration: +250 / 1.0 sec
Mana Regeneration: +225 / 1.0 sec
Distance Fighting: +12
Health: +14%
Mana: +8%
Death Protection: +4%
Physical Protection: +4%
Life Leech: +7%
Mana Leech: +5%
Critical Damage: +5%

You can upgrade this item to another tier using 6 tier set upgrade tokens.
Royal Paladin 1000
Amethyst Palladium Legs (t3) Weight: 32.0 oz
Armor: 15
Health Regeneration: +200 / 1.0 sec
Mana Regeneration: +175 / 1.0 sec
Distance Fighting: +11
Health: +12%
Mana: +6%
Death Protection: +4%
Physical Protection: +4%
Life Leech: +6%
Mana Leech: +4%
Critical Damage: +5%

You can upgrade this item to another tier using 4 tier set upgrade tokens.
Royal Paladin 1000
Amethyst Palladium Legs (t4) Weight: 32.0 oz
Armor: 15
Health Regeneration: +225 / 1.0 sec
Mana Regeneration: +200 / 1.0 sec
Distance Fighting: +12
Health: +13%
Mana: +7%
Death Protection: +4%
Physical Protection: +4%
Life Leech: +7%
Mana Leech: +5%
Critical Damage: +5%

You can upgrade this item to another tier using 5 tier set upgrade tokens.
Royal Paladin 1000
Amethyst Palladium Legs (t1) Weight: 32.0 oz
Armor: 15
Health Regeneration: +150 / 1.0 sec
Mana Regeneration: +125 / 1.0 sec
Distance Fighting: +10
Health: +10%
Mana: +4%
Death Protection: +4%
Physical Protection: +4%
Life Leech: +5%
Mana Leech: +3%
Critical Damage: +5%

You can upgrade this item to another tier using 2 tier set upgrade tokens.
Royal Paladin 1000
Amethyst Palladium Legs (t2) Weight: 32.0 oz
Armor: 15
Health Regeneration: +175 / 1.0 sec
Mana Regeneration: +150 / 1.0 sec
Distance Fighting: +11
Health: +11%
Mana: +5%
Death Protection: +4%
Physical Protection: +4%
Life Leech: +6%
Mana Leech: +4%
Critical Damage: +5%

You can upgrade this item to another tier using 3 tier set upgrade tokens.
Royal Paladin 1000
Kyanite Legs Weight: 48.0 oz
Armor: 15
Health Regeneration: +150 / 1.0 sec
Mana Regeneration: +120 / 1.0 sec
Melee: +5
Health: +12%
Mana: +2%
Death Protection: +3%
Physical Protection: +3%
Life Leech: +5%
Critical Damage: +5%

You can upgrade this item to a demolisher's item using a tier set upgrade token.
Elite Knight 1000
Demolisher's Legs (t4) Weight: 48.0 oz
Armor: 16
Health Regeneration: +225 / 1.0 sec
Mana Regeneration: +120 / 1.0 sec
Melee: +5
Health: +15%
Mana: +2%
Death Protection: +4%
Physical Protection: +4%
Life Leech: +7%
Mana Leech: +3%
Critical Damage: +5%

You can upgrade this item to another tier using 5 tier set upgrade tokens.
Elite Knight 1000
Demolisher's Legs (t1) Weight: 48.0 oz
Armor: 16
Health Regeneration: +150 / 1.0 sec
Mana Regeneration: +120 / 1.0 sec
Melee: +5
Health: +12%
Mana: +2%
Death Protection: +4%
Physical Protection: +4%
Life Leech: +5%
Mana Leech: +3%
Critical Damage: +5%

You can upgrade this item to another tier using 2 tier set upgrade tokens.
Elite Knight 1000
Demolisher's Legs (t2) Weight: 48.0 oz
Armor: 16
Health Regeneration: +175 / 1.0 sec
Mana Regeneration: +120 / 1.0 sec
Melee: +5
Health: +13%
Mana: +2%
Death Protection: +4%
Physical Protection: +4%
Life Leech: +6%
Mana Leech: +3%
Critical Damage: +5%

You can upgrade this item to another tier using 3 tier set upgrade tokens.
Elite Knight 1000
Demolisher's Legs (t5) Weight: 48.0 oz
Armor: 16
Health Regeneration: +250 / 1.0 sec
Mana Regeneration: +120 / 1.0 sec
Melee: +5
Health: +16%
Mana: +2%
Death Protection: +4%
Physical Protection: +4%
Life Leech: +7%
Mana Leech: +3%
Critical Damage: +5%

You can upgrade this item to another tier using 6 tier set upgrade tokens.
Elite Knight 1000
Demolisher's Legs (t3) Weight: 48.0 oz
Armor: 16
Health Regeneration: +200 / 1.0 sec
Mana Regeneration: +120 / 1.0 sec
Melee: +5
Health: +14%
Mana: +2%
Death Protection: +4%
Physical Protection: +4%
Life Leech: +6%
Mana Leech: +3%
Critical Damage: +5%

You can upgrade this item to another tier using 4 tier set upgrade tokens.
Elite Knight 1000
Demolisher's Legs (t6) Weight: 48.0 oz
Armor: 16
Health Regeneration: +275 / 1.0 sec
Mana Regeneration: +120 / 1.0 sec
Melee: +5
Health: +17%
Mana: +2%
Death Protection: +4%
Physical Protection: +4%
Life Leech: +8%
Mana Leech: +3%
Critical Damage: +5%
Elite Knight 1000