Cyntara - News #27 - Cyntara v15s3

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Cyntara v15s3
Cyntara v15s3 will launch on July 14, 2023 at 4 PM EST (10 PM GMT+2).

Yes. Next season will be a continuation of the v15 series as the Cyntara Staff does not feel that the upcoming changes merit a new season identifier. A number of circumstances have arisen that have pushed our original v16-s1 plans back to a point where we would have to exclude a summer update all-together.
Regardless, we will reset Cyntara with a minimal number of changes for a third season of v15.
As a "Thank You" to our players, Cyntara Coins purchased last season will not only carry over to this season but they will also carry over to next season.

That being said, we do have some exciting changes for Cyntara in the works and we do have a few changes to present.

Minor server changes:
  • Added the Malice Demon spawn and Malice Annihilator Quest. This quest is a remix of the Demon Spawn and the Annihilator.
  • Added a new "Wand Skill". Mages can now level up their wand skill similarly to Paladins and Knights; Wand Skill affects Wand Damage only.
  • Added "Training TIle" carpets that can be purchased and placed inside houses.
  • Added "exercise weapons" that increase training speed while equipped.
  • Added NPC Ace below the Temple. Ace sells Training Tile Carpets and Exercise Weapons.
  • Added Hirelings. Hirelings can be summoned inside player houses upon using a Hireling Lamp.
    • Hirelings can trade magic items, loot, tools, decorations, ammunition, food, training items, fishing items, gems, demonic essence and skinning items.
    • Hirelings help you access your bank, purchase addons, start tasks, or start prey tasks.
    • Hirelings can also have their outfit changed to match your outfit if you're the house owner.
    • Hirelings can also be dismissed by the house owner.
  • Trainers have been removed from houses by default.
  • Extended the number of Roc's Feather that can be used from 16 to 64.
  • The Demons Task is now repeatable.
  • Reduced Artifact Bonus Damage scaling from 0.5% per Artifact Level to 0.33% per.
  • Added the "Reaper" and the "Juggernaut" Legendary Talents that grant 0.2% Damage Increase and Damage Reduction per point respectively.
  • Added the "Wolf Claw" and the "Turtle Shell" Artifact Talents that grant 0.2% Damage Increase and Damage Reduction per point respectively.
  • Added Malice Demons spawn (level 2k) and Malice Annihilator Quest.

Posted by Red on 13 Jul 23 06:28 PM.