18 Jun 16 08:23 PM |
Trith, Moomster, Maazik, Vala, Lpepe and 1 others like this post.
29 Jun 16 01:09 AM |
A revision to Patch #1 has been released this evening.
What's new?
Information on the Account Profile View page will no longer be "hidden" if the information returns the default value. A few small cosmetic changes were made to the Player Profile View page. Fixed an issue with account creation where fields were not allowed to be NULL. Refactor logic behind character list on account view. This fixes the button display issue reported here. Fixed a critical bug with forum post content that could cause the CSS to load improperly. Added Cyntara Store images to website (this will not be utilized until the release of Cyntara 9.) The color palette order in the post reply box received a modest improvement. Added an experimental "Remember Me" option upon logging in. This will leave you logged in even if you close your browser for a set amount of days. Fixed an issue where the PayPal Donation page buttons linked to the wrong pages. Made btn-inverse nearly the same size as btn-primary. A very small aesthetic improvement to the difference between the "Login" and "Create Account" buttons.
What's new?
11 Jul 16 10:52 PM |
Another revision to Patch #1 has been released this evening.
What's new?
Fixed an issue on a few pages that would cause the SSL connection to only be "partially secure." Fixed an issue where the "Recent Posts" area in the website footer would show less than 5 entries. Fixed a few image issues on the Cyntara Webshop. Added a few features in the Admin Panel.
What's new?
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