Cyntara - Forum - Automate help channel (sorta)

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15 Aug 16 06:54 PM
I remember a while ago that if anyone said "promotion" in help chat it would give them an automated message. This has since been removed and I hope it was a mistake, and am hoping it could be returned to Cyntara along with some additions!

Below i've written out some common questions with a good(ish) answers to them.
Code word;

1. Bot, Botting - Botting is perfectly legal on Cyntara
2. Red skull, RS - Red Skull is 12 frags.
3. Promotion, promote - Use !promotion or visit the Queen Yvonne above depot.
4. Enchant, Enchants, Enchantments, Enchantment - For questions regarding enchanments visit
5. Email, E mail, E-mail - To contact Red use To contact Diath use
6. Hunt - If you are a knight or paladin try Giant spiders, if you are a mage try Crazed beggars. Or just explore and meet new monsters!
7. Bank - Bank is located above depot.
8. House - To buy a house use !buyhouse, To sell a house use !Sellhouse Playername, to leave a house use !leavehouse. Houses reset if the house owner is offline for 14 days.
9. Staff, gm, gamemaster - There are always staff members in help chat, Just write your question and they will gladly assist you as soon as possible.
10. Version, Client - Cyntara is currently running on version 10.94-10.96

20 Aug 16 01:45 PM
The system will be re-introduced in the next update, it's been rewritten to make it more flexible.

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