Cyntara - Forum - Swampling Items

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Matt Bruh
31 Aug 16 12:50 PM
Swampling Moss and Pieces of Swamping Wood don't sell to the Task NPC.

I think it would be a good idea to add ALLLLLL creature products to this list, and maybe take a loot at how much some of them sell for.
After the fishing nerf making money isn't nearly as easy, and creature products is a great solution.

31 Aug 16 04:36 PM
Adding ALL of the creature products is a task in of itself. If you provide a list with their ids (you can get this by downloading RME) and post it here, I'm sure it will allow Red to get to this faster and easier.

Matt Bruh
31 Aug 16 06:10 PM
Sounds like a trap

Winter Soldier
02 Sep 16 01:10 PM
he want sell all loot, of corrupted ruins, cause he bot all day ,spending money. if is possible sell the corpses

im the only one ! , el unico

06 Sep 16 03:14 PM
I would be great if we could sell "natural soils [ID 940]"

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