Cyntara - Forum - points

Cyntara v17 Countdown

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ghost wither
01 Jul 16 11:38 PM
change my points back me , buy crystal arrow and umbral master bow

02 Jul 16 01:12 AM
Are you able to be more clear about what you mean about 'change my points back to me'?
Do you mean points being refunded for v9? Do you mean having a refund of points for this era so you can buy something else? Are you trying to trade something?

This was also posted in the wrong section as I don't think this is a bug report.

02 Jul 16 08:17 AM
@Silence: I think his web shop item(s) are stuck in a queue between the website interface and the gameworld. I won't be able to tell for certain what the issue is until I get back to a computer, but that's my best guess.

@ghost wither: Give me a bit of time. I'll look into your most recent transactions and follow-up here when I come to a conclusion. If you paid for something, you will receive it.


02 Jul 16 09:53 PM
I think he might've bought the wrong items and wants to trade them back in for what he originally wanted.

@ghost Hablas espanol? Que necesitas?

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