Cyntara - Forum - Patch #7

Cyntara v17 Countdown

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03 Dec 16 06:20 PM
The following changes have been implemented in Cyntara v9 Patch #7


  • Players will now start their journey with a personalized weapon with their name on it. This item will start with +4 Enchantment slots and can be upgraded throughout the progression of their adventure all the way to the top-tier donor item for their vocation.
  • An additional reward has been added to The Beginner Quest. Players will find a "weapon upgrader crystal" on a stone table next to Arkilius' throne; this weapon upgrader crystal can be used to upgrade your beginner weapon.
  • Updated the quest rewards to all quests north of the teleport room; the items given to players through these quests will now have a predetermined number of Enchantment slots. To accommodate for this change, the quest flags for a lot of the quests north of the teleport room have been reset; players will be able to re-claim these rewards without re-completing the quest.
  • Updated the Knight's reward from The Beginner Quest.
  • Refactored a lot of quest reward code.
  • Weapon Upgrader Crystals have been re-added to the game after The Collector closed up shop - you can find them in the Cyntara Store under the "Enchantment Items" tab. These crystals will soon make their way into the game similarly to Orbs of Enchantment.
  • Expedition Bag will now have 10 slots; Glooth Backpack will now have 24 slots.
  • Warzone chests now have a chance to reward players with Cyntara Coins.
  • Increased the drop rate of Cyntara Coins to a lot of creatures.
  • Refactored Ferumbras raid. The boss will now control less of the demons in his room. Demons will now be summoned by the pillars in the room. The maximum number of Demons that can be spawned in the room has been decreased considerably.
  • Added a new condition.
  • Added the groundwork for an "Anti-Navi-MC" system.
  • Only the first 4 players connecting to the server with a unique IP address will be counted toward the server's online count for external websites such as otservlist. This change was added to keep Cyntara compliant with the website's new rules.

  • Minor tweaks and adjustments.


  • Measter1990
    03 Dec 16 08:48 PM
    Hey Red looks nice cant wait to give them a go and thankyou :)

    Peace be with you :)

    04 Dec 16 07:52 AM
    hay Red just wandering whats going to happen for all the players who have started their journey whats going to happen about there weapons just curious :)

    Peace be with you :)

    04 Dec 16 05:25 PM
    Does this mean I have to reinstall Cyntara and play again? Looks fun

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