Cyntara - Forum - Trip Into The Wilderness

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04 Jul 17 07:51 PM
What do you guys think about the unknown map outside the whole Cyntara Town, like when you leave those Cyntara walls you will have to fight a lot of monsters to explore around, small quest with a story would be really nice, for an example The Wise Man left us and went on a big adventure and he never returned, the quest could be that we gotta find him and eventually when we do, we speak to him and then he gives us several tasks to complete. If we complete those tasks we get a special reward. (I have a lot of more planned but I don't want to spoil everything, this is just a small peak, so if you guys like the idea let me know and I'll send the complete quest idea to the staff members. Also I would like to see what do they think and would this be worth and possible to make).
Please let me know what do you think

04 Jul 17 07:55 PM
Seems to be a good idea since the wise man is hard to use and not that helpful

04 Jul 17 08:34 PM
sounds like a lot of work but if done properly that would be a sickkk addition

06 Jul 17 04:17 PM

12 Jul 17 07:14 AM
sounds cool

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