Cyntara - Forum - Change the druids superspell!

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16 Jul 17 10:36 PM
I suggest changing the druids super spell in the following ways

Either 1. Make it so it ONLY heals players in the same party as you (not monsters aswell) this way it can actually be used in war, and in questing. Currently it cannot be used in either of these situations because of the like negative effect it has.

If you change it so it can't heal monsters or players make a second super spell similar to the first that heals monsters aswell so druids have a choice.

Or 2. Create a second superspell (like knights have)

A few suggestions me and lass came up with

1. Utori sio "Harlow" —This spell would apply a buff to the player it is used on giving them a ticking healing (similar to zydrate) so they can regen 3k hp a secnod for 10 seconds and 3k mana per second for 10 seconds. This would obviously be on a cooldown and cost soul points.

2. "Exevo grav rai "Harlow" —This one would shoot 8 tree walls around the player it is used on. This would fully trap a player for a second or two giving them caster an advantage in pvp but ofcourse tree walls can be cut very easily so its not too strong. This spell can also be used on yourself to protect yourself when you're in a dangerous situation with rpg.

That is all I've got for now, I hope others help give suggestions on how to make druids actually have a super spell, because atm its there but cannot be used. THANKS FOR REAIDING!

22 Jul 17 03:27 PM
I'd be more apt to creating a spell similar to your suggested Utori sio


23 Jul 17 02:19 PM
For druids super spells id suggest something like the utori sio but also an ultimate support spell, like inmunity for like 3-5 seconds, since every other vocation has an ultimate spell for killing, why the druids cant have an ultimate spell for surviving? i mean after all druids are the healers and the supports right? so something like:
Divine Nature Blessing - Stone rai sio "name - cost: 50% 25 soulpoints 90 secs cooldown

Maybe also besides only bad ass healing: exura mas rai res- this spell adds 15%-20% to all damage protection
after all we are meant to support right? so let the support be real!

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