25 Jul 17 03:13 PM |
Wave could be made new search objects so that the gap of the objects donation is not so much a suggestion why playing without objects donation is very bad against those who use donation thanks
25 Jul 17 03:31 PM |
I dont wanna be rude, but do you speak any other leng? Maybe post it with a translate?
25 Jul 17 06:18 PM |
Dafter said:
I dont wanna be rude, but do you speak any other leng? Maybe post it with a translate?
I dont wanna be rude, but do you speak any other leng? Maybe post it with a translate?
se verdad no se hablar ingles gracias por notarlo :D decia k el tema de los items donor y los free obtenidos en el juego ai mucha diferecia decia que si podrain poner items intermedios no tan bueno como el donacion porque siento que para surgir debes donar eso aparte k los mosnter si vas a caza solo es muy complicado y mas si es free como matar un demon xd
25 Jul 17 06:31 PM |
Ya existen items que son bastante buenos y que puedes obtener sin necesidad de donar en absoluto, incluso hay algunos que son mejores que donors. Muchos pueden ser conseguidos en quests o como loot. Pero en realidad es muy complicado ir a cazar solo si no sabes lo que estas haciendo o si te enfrentas con algo que no esta planeado para caza individual, como los demons, estos estan pensados para un equipo o para knights y paladins de nivel alto.
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There are already items that are pretty good and that you can obtain without donating at all, there are some that are even better than donors. Many can be obtained through quests or as loot. It's actually complicated to go hunting alone if you don't know what you're doing or if you're fighting something that isn't planned for an individual hunt, just like demons, which are designed for teams or high level knights and paladins.
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There are already items that are pretty good and that you can obtain without donating at all, there are some that are even better than donors. Many can be obtained through quests or as loot. It's actually complicated to go hunting alone if you don't know what you're doing or if you're fighting something that isn't planned for an individual hunt, just like demons, which are designed for teams or high level knights and paladins.
25 Jul 17 06:39 PM |
a eso es lo que voy no muchos jugan hacindo party hunt la mayoria sale a caza por si solos y la mayorias de los items tienes k ser +1k para obtenerlos y los jugadores k son lvl bajo k pasa es muy complicado y el donor es mas facil a eso voy y n e visto set mejor k el donor bueno a alguien k lo tenga tampoco solo con orbs
25 Jul 17 06:50 PM |
¿Qué vocación eres? Si eres un paladin o un knight, puedes cazar solo sin problema alguno.
Una ventaja que tienen casi todos los items de quest sobre los donors es que estos ya vienen con slots, en cambio los donors tienes que ponerles cada una de las 4 posibles slot.
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What vocation are you? If you're a knight or a paladin, you can hunt by yourself without a problem.
A clear advantage that quest items have over any donor is that these come with some slots, unlike donors which you have to put the slot in by yourself.
Una ventaja que tienen casi todos los items de quest sobre los donors es que estos ya vienen con slots, en cambio los donors tienes que ponerles cada una de las 4 posibles slot.
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What vocation are you? If you're a knight or a paladin, you can hunt by yourself without a problem.
A clear advantage that quest items have over any donor is that these come with some slots, unlike donors which you have to put the slot in by yourself.
25 Jul 17 07:05 PM |
pally si aunke lo k mas opto es al gastly el demon me baja y toy full donor
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