Cyntara - Forum - Knight damage/healing buff

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03 Jan 18 04:22 PM
Myself and I’m sure all other knights of cyntara feel that knights should get a little buff. To both damage and self healing that does not involve runes . Seeing as it’s a much less cost and we do not have to entirely depend on the heals of Druid to hunt anywhere: right now knights can only mainly efficiently hunt with a group or a ton of healers and cannot fend for themselves .

03 Jan 18 04:39 PM
Knights already hit plenty hard enough, you just have a crap weapon and skills ATM.

Knights already have a ton of self healing, you just have a crappy healing rune and a crappy mlvl.

Knights can also solo hunt a load of spawns without a healer. You just have crappy equipment.

Do you see the pattern here? It's 4 days in, wait until you get a few more items and you'll see knights are great, every vocation is having a tough time ATM.

03 Jan 18 10:17 PM
You’re speaking for low level spawn terms . I step in level 600+ level spawns and I cannot stay in there solo and so have other knights. Their damage dealing around 5-6k EACH and we only have about 15k at level 900, even with the resistance (max 50) they can still 1 shot us with 2-3 monsters without a healer . Therefore saying knights can not fend for themselves

03 Jan 18 11:02 PM
I'm currently looking into overall buffs for knight/paladin equipment to include more +% hp bonuses. This should help with the 'squishy-ness' of both vocations at lower and medium levels. With a set of say a cumulative 15% at 10k base hp, that is an additional 1.5k hp you wouldn't have otherwise. It might not seem like much, but it helps out a lot.

03 Jan 18 11:26 PM
That would help even in the slightest. Being knights we shouldn’t have to focus on group hunt s we should be able to hunt solo and collect our exp and money solo of chosen just like real tibia

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