Cyntara - Forum - Patchnotes - 3rd Jan

Cyntara v17 Countdown

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03 Jan 18 10:21 PM
  • Improved the logging of /r command to further help with monitoring for staff members abuse.
  • Fixed an issue where the task counter could overflow when killing a badass monster close to task completion.
  • Characters connected from the same IP can no longer fish more than once per action interval.
  • Fixed an issue where the high/low crystal coin casino would not pay out the full reward for rewards higher than 100cc.
  • Fixed an issue that caused players using WindBot to crash with the Loot Channel open.
  • Enabled the Server Log loot messages again and fixed an issue that caused players using XenoBot to crash under some circumstances.
  • All Prey Tasks will reward one Prey Point each now upon completion on time. Prey Points can now be used to reroll the list of prey creatures in each prey tier. The cost of a reroll is 1, 2, 3 and 4 points for the easy, medium, hard and nightmare tiers respectively.
  • The !stats command will now display proper maximum resistance based on your character vocation.
  • Fixed the price of potions bought through the Cyntara Zone lever under the depot.
  • Added more training tiles to the houses in the main city.
  • Moved Tony Bloodhunter to the bar on the market street.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Find Person ("exiva") spell to not work with long character names.
  • Added health and mana regeneration information to in-game item description.
  • Players that leave a dungeon while dead during a boss fight will no longer keep the dead human outfit.
  • Fixed an issue that caused badass monsters to spawn without a red skull indicator sometimes.
  • Treasure Hoarders of the Crafting type will also drop the Alchemy ingredients now.
  • Fixed an issue where players would sometimes not get any skill tries when brewing Alchemy elixirs.
  • Fixed an issue where paladins couldn't empower their artifact bows.
  • Replaced the Triumphant Symbol with another item that has a valid sprite in client version 10.94.
  • Adjusted the death penalty when dying to Jinx.
  • Adjusted the stats of all monsters in spawns between level 650 and 1400.
  • Adjusted the stats of monsters and bosses in the Abandoned Morass, the Lair of the Phoenix, the Blight Ruins, the Murky Cavern and the Site of Eruption dungeons.
  • The Dungeon Talismans no longer need to be placed on Altars. Instead when you pull the lever in the Dungeon lobby you will get prompted whether you would like to start a Talisman or a non-Talisman run.
  • Dungeon bosses will no longer drop AP tokens if the Talisman that was used to enter the instance was depleted.
  • In addition to the !artifact command, mages can now also right-click their wands/rods to change the damage element type.
  • Players inside protection zones can no longer be roped if the tile upstairs has no protection zone.
  • Reduced the price of the Enchant Remover down to 50k.
  • Prey tasks will now additionally reward players that have received their Artifact Weapon with Artifact Power Tokens if finished before they expire.
  • Fixed an issue that caused some dungeon mods to activate during non-Talisman runs.
  • Added more training tiles to the training room.

  • Added some new game guides and guide links to the main page. They need further improvements but should provide a decent overview of features for now.
  • Added a few missing achievements.
  • Updated the item sprites database used to display character inventory.

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