Cyntara - Forum - Mana/health rune adjustements

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05 Jan 18 11:06 AM
Can we make all health/mana rune and potions scale with level instead of healing fixed percentages. I think it would be a lot better with them scaling off our level instead of healing 5k mana at level 1.2k when it will barely help at that level.

06 Jan 18 07:18 AM
Wrath said:
Can we make all health/mana rune and potions scale with level instead of healing fixed percentages. I think it would be a lot better with them scaling off our level instead of healing 5k mana at level 1.2k when it will barely help at that level.
Mana runes are usually for hunting easy monsters, try using Great Mana Potions, they are a lot of more useful.

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