Cyntara - Forum - Serpent Spawns Rate

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17 Jul 16 07:52 PM
i was hunting here for a bit and found that the spawn is really slow.. i cleaned it in 2 runs so far and i believe itd be better with more mobs and a bit faster rate on it.

17 Jul 16 10:55 PM
Dafter said:
i was hunting here for a bit and found that the spawn is really slow.. i cleaned it in 2 runs so far and i believe itd be better with more mobs and a bit faster rate on it.
Were you hunting the first floor, the second floor, or both floors? The first floor is intentionally easier, so the spawn can be hunted by lower and higher levels.


19 Jul 16 11:08 AM
i was at first floor, since the second its insanne with the noxius there :P, but really the spawn was rlly slow.. I saw guys 400-500 cleaning it running without mobs to kill.. i really think it need a lil boost at least on time spawn

Matt Bruh
19 Jul 16 02:11 PM
I think a couple of spawns need a boost in respawn rate. Serpent spawns 1st floor, not more mobs, just faster respawn rate.

Hydra island, not more mobs, just faster respawn rate. - Or a larger island or more underground caves like the souleaters, but with hydras, and maybe serpents/medusas etc.

27 Jul 16 02:38 PM
Dafter said:
i was at first floor, since the second its insanne with the noxius there :P, but really the spawn was rlly slow.. I saw guys 400-500 cleaning it running without mobs to kill.. i really think it need a lil boost at least on time spawn
<looks at respawn times> Oh… I see.
The spawn rate for the first floor will be greatly increased during the next patch!

Matt said:
Hydra island, not more mobs, just faster respawn rate. - Or a larger island or more underground caves like the souleaters, but with hydras, and maybe serpents/medusas etc.
The respawn rate for Hydras on the island is already quite high. If you're able to keep that island cleared alone, your character is probably too high of a level to be hunting there with that kind of respawn rate.


27 Jul 16 08:14 PM
Red said:
Dafter said:
i was at first floor, since the second its insanne with the noxius there :P, but really the spawn was rlly slow.. I saw guys 400-500 cleaning it running without mobs to kill.. i really think it need a lil boost at least on time spawn
Oh… I see.
The spawn rate for the first floor will be greatly increased during the next patch!

Matt said:
Hydra island, not more mobs, just faster respawn rate. - Or a larger island or more underground caves like the souleaters, but with hydras, and maybe serpents/medusas etc.
The respawn rate for Hydras on the island is already quite high. If you're able to keep that island cleared alone, your character is probably too high of a level to be hunting there with that kind of respawn rate.

I think it doesnt need a great increase,lets take the actual rate as 1.0,max i think it can be is 1.5 i think 1.35 or 1.4 is good enought,

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