Cyntara - Forum - Patchnotes - 12th Jan

Cyntara v17 Countdown

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12 Jan 18 09:56 AM
  • Added rare spawns of a manta ray.
  • Moved the reward chest to the depot from the Queen's castle.
  • Dwarf Orecrushers will no longer keep distance from players.
  • Fixed the "Reset Dungeon CD" play points offer.
  • Fixed the Spectral Awakening reward for knights that use clubs.
  • Improved the performance of the server save which should slightly reduce the micro stutter.
  • Fixed an issue where players with long names couldn't be muted nor added to the vip list.
  • Added !death command which can be used to enable the disconnect on death at will.
  • Fixed an issue where Dungeon bosses would respawn without full health after a wipe during Talisman runs.
  • Fixed an issue where players could get stuck in the Pigeon Mwall Quest.
  • Fixed an issue with the Blight Ruins dungeon lobby not working on all tiles.
  • Added enchantment crystal combining. You can combine 3x lesser enchantment crystal into a normal enchantment crystal and 3x normal enchantment crystal into a grand one. The combining station can be found to the east below the depot.
  • Fixed an issue where some bows, scarab amulet and the crest of the deep seas wouldn't grant their bonuses when equipped.
  • The Corruption spell ("utori rai mort") will now properly take damage boosts into account (such as one from the artifacts). Furthermore, if the target dies while under the effect of the Corruption, the CD will now reset during the next tick.
  • Enabled frag counting for the purpose of top fraggers again. Please keep in mind that no frags will be counted retroactively.
  • Revamped Pyro Imps spawn.
  • Adjusted one of Dhrata's spells.
  • Fixed an issue where players wouldn't receive their Alchemy 101 quest rewards. Players that have previously completed the quest can re-open the chest.
  • Fixed an issue where the Challenge Room monsters could spawn inside of walls sometimes.
  • Fixed an issue where summons in the last mission of the Spectral Awakening quest could spawn inside of walls sometimes.
  • Players can no longer enter the Fire God's chamber in the Site of Eruption dungeon without killing the required enemy forces during Talisman runs.
  • Fixed time mismatch between weekly dungeon reset and dungeon talisman expiration time.
  • After killing a monster, you will now receive a notification if your extra experience rate from event points and daily rewards has expired.
  • Fixed market offers not refreshing after cancelling an offer (upstream).
  • Players can now cast spells while being muted (upstream).

  • Added artifact information to the item popover on the character page.
  • Added bless status to character deaths.

  • Ownez
    12 Jan 18 10:21 AM
    Added !death command which can be used to enable the disconnect on death at will.

    Thank you :D

    15 Jan 18 12:16 AM
    I don't want to poop the party, but I'm afraid the !death command won't cut it, because although it calmed the uproar from the loud part of the community(the people who use the forums/Discord), there are several people who have no idea about this change and, unless they come here and read it, they might never find out, I realize this is intentional, since you want people to stay in the game, but you have to understand this feature is causing more harm to the server than it does good, every day I see people, mostly random, low/mid level players who aren't as involved with the server die and lose all their items, then quit for good, in the last couple days I've seen it happen several times, and as long as you keep the "stay logged in" feature as default and keep the !death command obscure to the silent, ignorant, or simply new part of the server, or as long as you don't remove the feature altogether, it will continue happening. I'm not sure what led you to believe that calming the uproar with a band-aid fix was the solution to the problem, its actually the fact that a lot of uninformed people will continue to fall for it and quit the server, or start another uproar, or both, and those who are capable of enduring the loss of everything and keep playing still unaware of the !death command might simply log out once they're unable to continue monitoring their bot(have to take care of life matters), in any of these logical scenarios this command will not resolve the issue, this feature you added could only work if everyone, or at least the vast majority of the server used actually advanced cavebotting bots, such as Xenobot/Windbot, or bothered to make waypoints(even though I believe even if you make waypoints with Magebot it is going to walk outside of the temple, I half-assedly tested it).

    This feature has already caused a lot of harm, I suggest you remove it swiftly.

    16 Jan 18 08:33 PM
    Yeah I've seen multiple low levels run around the town and die over and over losing their sets…

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