Cyntara - Forum - Stamina
12 Jan 18 11:38 AM
Im not very experienced player on this ot, but I find one thing very disturbing. Stamina gain is just stupid as fuck.
Spending 14h on training tiles for 5h stamina (27-32h)? You want your players to play for few hours and then be afk on trainers for 2 days?
Thats not really gonna work out which u can clearly see, because there are less and less players online every day.

12 Jan 18 01:36 PM
It's because botters ruin everything : (

I reached 1.5k manually last season and never had a problem with stamina.

12 Jan 18 06:24 PM
so stamina is a problem because botters ruin everything? yeah thats one solid argument LOL.
dont tell me that its possible to get stamina refills by event points, because it is not possible.
Server is dead, so getting 75 event points is impossible ( or would take at least 2 weeks)

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