Cyntara - Forum - The Seals Quest

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17 Jan 18 02:34 AM
Hello there!

There are a few concepts from the most successful private server of one of my all-time favorite games that I'd like to see implemented here, today I'll be presenting one of them, its a set of Instances-Quest, similar to the "dungeons" we currently have.

I will be sharing ONE strategy on how to beat most if not all of these instances with what we got in Tibia, and Cyntara particularly, which will prove a challenge no doubt, so bear with me. Without further ado, let's begin.

Concept: Seals Quest

Originally the entire Seals Quest consists of 4 instances and access to one special place.

The Seals Quest are a team-oriented set of Instances(4 of them) that must be completed in order to gain access to a special place, a Hall originally called the Valhalla(the name of the Hall is due to the game's affiliation with the Norse Mythology, name should probably be modified to fit Cyntara's lore, whatever this lore is, because yes, Cyntara should have its own lore, its about time we get something better than "Senor Cookson was Red's cocaine snorting teacher").

These instances are named after four of the game's most important towns, we'll temporarily rename them in this suggestion to Tibia towns, but of course you can name them whatever, I guess.
These instances can only be accessed from specific spots inside of the Towns with their respective names.
These instances require a minimum amount of players to be accessed(originally 6), and have a maximum amount of players that can ever go in them at once(??? unspecified, but originally, due to the game's mechanics, it cannot be more than 12).
All the players that access these instances must be in a party, and noone outside of this party can access their instance after they're inside unless they ALL leave, invite the newer player to the party, and then re-join as a full party.
People who have already unlocked these instances can continue entering them(to help other people in need for example) and also to get certain rewards, these instances can actually be used as a farming spot if the players are skilled enough.
Originally, monsters in these instances yield no experience and no loot, this doesn't have to remain that way here, but you probably want it to, because of the following point.
Originally, there's no fee or restrictions beyond being in a party of at least 6 players to join these instances, you can theoretically join them for free, on a level 1 character all day long if you please.
Originally, these instances have a time limit, if players do not succeed within a (very reasonable) period of time(usually more than an hour), the entire party is kicked out, this doesn't have to stay this way.
These instances are extremely difficult and some can be extremely puzzling.

Rewards: Access to the Special Place where Special, utterly important things can be done upon completing ALL 4 Seals. Obtain one random "Essence" every time an individual Seal instance is completed(this is what makes these instances farmable and can be worth repeating endlessly)


Thais Seal

Part 1: This Seal begins with a Maze, your party-communication skills are tested here. Your party is teleported and scattered all over the Maze, every member of the party is individually trapped within 4 walls inside of the Maze, and there's a monster trapped with them, one that carries one of their teammates' name and appearance, these monsters should be strong, but not too strong, this is a stage of the quest virtually noone should be able to fail at unless they simply AFK, only when ALL of the monsters that spawned into each player's small four walls "trap" are killed will two of the walls of each room disappear(the paths that lead to two different sides of the Maze), and that's how you're introduced to the Maze, now all players must work to reach the center of the Maze, which is essentially just a four wall room, where a lever awaits them, immediately after a player pulls the lever a set amount of very, very strong-hitting monsters(minimum 3) will spawn in different, set locations of that small room and immediately target the nearest player they can find.
Once the players defeat all the monsters a portal at a set location OUTSIDE of the room will open up, the players must head back into a different part of the Maze, this time as a team, and defeat monsters along the way until they reach the portal that will warp them to the next part of the Thais Seal.

Part 2: This part begins with a long road uphill full of monsters, players must advance through this place, either by killing everything or simply running through it, the monsters here shouldn't be too strong nor too weak, they should be strong enough that it discourages players from running it, but weak enough that, if players decide to slowly kill everything, they have next to zero failure chance. At the end of this road there's a portal, this portal leads to the next part of the Thais Seal.

Part 3: You are now in a big room with an NPC in the center. He will lock one of your members away in a cage. The first wave of massive amounts of monsters will start around the rest of the party, monsters of many different difficulties, from very easy to reasonably fearsome, most should be on the easy/middle side of the scale. While his teammates fight the hordes of enemies the player who is caged will be asked a set of questions, the person caged will be released if he answers the questions correctly or his teammates defeat all 5 waves of monsters, whatever happens first. After you kill everything you'll move into stage 2 of this part of the Seal, one of the players will speak to this NPC again, after a short dialogue, the NPC will turn into a monster, the first boss of the Thais Seal, this boss is very peculiar, it has the ability to randomly teleport his/her target to a random spot inside of the room he/she is being fought at, immediately moving onto its next target, this monster has a LOT of Health Points, this monster also periodically spawns 4 minions that heal him/her for ridiculous amounts, but they do not heal each other or themselves, they are tanky aswell, but not too tanky, they're tanky enough so that he entire party has to attack them ASAP and not just one or two players, but not so tanky that it takes unreasonable amounts of time to defeat them even as a party. The boss spawns these minions periodically. This boss does hit hard, but not too hard, hard enough so that mages cannot ever tank it, even with SSA(add constant mana drain and a spell that does enough FIXED damage to headshot a very low mana mage, perhaps even make it one same skill somehow), but not hard enough so that Paladins cannot tank it with heal friend or pot spam(can't one shot a paladin, but might be able to two shot one). After the boss dies, a portal that leads to the next part of the Thais Seal opens up.

Part 4: This part begins with a road uphill IDENTICAL to the one in part 2, except that there is no portal at the end. This implies that you have to kill the monsters before you reach the final part of the road, or that you have to outrun them, at the end of this road there's a large room, there's a set of "Trigger Tiles" right before you enter this room, you cannot avoid stepping on one of those "Trigger Tiles" as you enter the room, it is impossible to avoid them. What these "Trigger Tiles" do is trigger a countdown and after a set amount of time(at least a minute) from the time someone triggered this event(the first person to walk across it) the room will close up(the road the party came from will cease to exist/become inaccessible) and endless waves of ridiculous amounts of extremely powerful monsters will spawn, something like last part of Service of Yalahar Quest, but significantly harder, so hard that a tank can't simply stand in front of the party and wait to be surrounded by 8 monsters, a tank shouldn't be able to tank that many of these brutal monsters regardless of the tank's level, he probably shouldn't be able to tank even half of that amount, every time HALF of the monsters in the room are killed, whatever this number is(excluding the Master Necromancer) another countdown will start(this countdown is proportional to the Master Necromancer's maxHP), once the time is up, all monsters, including the Master Necromancer, will disappear, and after a set amount of time, a new wave of equally brutal monsters will spawn in an endless cycle. During every wave, there is an immobile Master Necromancer monster standing somewhere far away from the party, this Necromancer will spawn during every single wave, this Necromancer has an amount of maximum Health that is proportional to the time it will take for the next wave to spawn(and the Necromancer to reset and spawn somewhere else in the room), the Health Points and the time it'll take for the next wave to start should be reasonable, so that players have a good shot at it, but it should be extremely difficult nevertheless. Killing a Master Necromancer immediately ends that wave, killing all the remaining monsters, and starting the countdown for the next wave. The ideal party should defeat the first 3 waves and their respective Necromancers, this means that, in the best case scenario, there will be three waves, and in the worst case scenario, the entire party will eventually wipe because they failed to defeat the Necromancers before they ran out of supplies or slowly lost too many key party members. Once three Master Necromancers are defeated, waves will cease and every member of the party, including anyone who might have been left behind and is trapped outside of the room will be teleported to the final part of the Thais Seal.

Part 5: This part begins with the party being warped into a relatively small room with nothing but passive monsters(they don't attack and try to run from their attackers) with absolutely insulting amounts of Health Points and the ability to fully heal each other every time they're below a certain threshold of HP(80%/99%?, doesn't really matter, this is a purely strategical part), but cannot themselves. Once all monsters are defeated an NPC will show up, after a short dialogue it will die and the final boss of the Thais Seal will reveal herself. I will not specify what this boss does or what strategy will be used to kill her, since in its original state this is a very unique boss that requires a very unique strategy to be defeated, and defeating her implies mechanics that Tibia as we know it simply does not possess.

After defeating the final boss of the Thais Seal, the boss you just defeated will turn into an NPC, talk to the NPC and after a short dialogue you will be teleported outside of the Instance and back to Thais, upon your exit you will unlock the Thais Seal part of the Quest and you will receive an item, more on this later.


Part 1 Strategy: Everyone defeats the monster that resembles their teammate, this should be a breeze, shouldn't take more than a pot or two for mages, if any, and obviously no pots for Paladins/Knights. Once the party reaches the center of the Maze as a team(make sure EVERYONE is there), an ED should trap the shooters tightly inside of Tree Walls and the tank should stand unprotected in the middle of the room, so that he gets the aggro from all the monsters, then shooters defeat the monsters. Trapping the party behind Tree Walls should be essential, this is a key strategic part of the entire instance, it is done this way in its official form too. The rest of part 1 doesn't need a strategy, pretty straightforward, let me know if think otherwise.

Part 2 Strategy: This part of the Seal is easy, just long, you can either kill everything or run through it, I highly recommend you kill everything, because losing a teammate anywhere during this Seal could mean failure for the entire party.

Part 3 Strategy: The party should focus on clearing the 5 waves as soon and safely as possible, how you do this is up to you, this is no new concept and I shouldn't have to explain how to do it. The caged player should focus on answering the questions, since their teammates could take a while to release him/her, or they could need his/her aid, the caged player cannot interact with the outside world, so it is of utmost importance that he/she releases himself/herself asap. Strategy against the actual boss is more complicated, all mages should trap themselves behind tree walls and shoot it/its summons from a safe distance, the tank will be inevitably teleported around the room from time to time, making it absolutely suicidal for a mage to be reachable by the boss(so not behind a Tree Wall), sub-tanks should stand somewhere between the Mages and the Tank so that they can quickly take the boss' aggro after it teleports the tank and bring it to the tank or just keep tanking it. When he/she spawns minions it is of utmost importance that the entire party focus the same minion, quickly kill it and move to the next one, don't try to ignore the minions, if it is done properly it should be absolutely impossible for the party to dish out more damage than the 4 can heal, even 3 minions should be able to outheal a full party's damage on the boss. Be patient as this battle might take quite a while.

Part 4 Strategy: This part can be arguably the hardest, first, I recommend the party kills everything to the end, because of the "Trigger Tiles" it could be a terrible, terrible mistake if one of the players crossed the tiles while one or more of the party members aren't ready to cross it, remember the entrance to that room will shut/cease to exist, meaning that, if someone was left behind and couldn't make it on time, they will be trapped outside of the room and they won't be able to participate, noone should rush their way into the room. Now, once everyone's in the room, the hardest part begins, a few ways of completing this come to mind, but the best is probably for the party members to make a straight line, starting the line from a wall(so that no monsters spawn BEHIND the party when a wave starts) and everyone should Magic Wall both sides of the line, that way only monsters you will have to fight are the ones that might spawn in front of the tank, then slowly walk while flawlessly keeping the entire party inside of a Magic Wall taco, failure to place a single Magic Wall on time could mean the end of the party, the party must move in the direction of the Master Necromancer, defeat it, and repeat.

Part 5 Strategy: The strategy here is pretty simple for Tibia mechanics, all you have to do is trap each of those monsters individually AND the entire party but one member in a room of magic walls, then kill it, the one player outside of the room of magic walls should make a second wall of magic walls, so that the rest of the monsters don't heal that one up while you place the magic walls again, then you repeat this for all the monsters, one by one, pretty easy, there obviously is no strategy to defeat the final boss of the Seal, since its concept hasn't been created yet.

This concludes the first of the four Seals, the Thais Seal.

Yalahar Seal

Part 1: This Seal begins with the entire party being teleported into a very small, closed room, there's an NPC standing in front of them, this NPC does not directly interact with the players, instead, it is telling a story(explaining the lore of the Seal).
Once the NPC ends his speech(should take around 1 minute), the party will be teleported as a stack to a set spot of a larger room, this fixed spot is in a straight line from the center of the room, players that were teleported to this room will be untargetable and invulnerable for 10 seconds AS LONG AS THEY DON'T MOVE OR CAST SPELLS/RUNES, after the 10 seconds pass or they move, they become targetable/vulnerable. In the center of this room there's an immobile, invulnerable boss that will target whoever loses its 10 second protection first, be it because they moved, casted a spell/rune, or ran out of the 10 seconds protection. This boss casts no spells at all, it has very fast basic ranged attacks similar to those of a Paladin, its range reaches any spot of this room, so you can't simply run and hide from it(which would be a bad idea even if you could, soon you'll find out why). This boss will instantly kill anyone it manages to hit ONCE(it does more damage with a single hit than anyone could ever tank, EVEN with SSA and all possible protections. This boss, however, cannot do damage to its target if he/she is behind a Magic Wall, and this monster cannot change taget unless its current target dies or leaves his targetting range(the entire room). Within this room lies a rotating portal(a portal that periodically disappears and spawns at another location of this room), this portal leads to the second part of the Yalahar Seal, but first, there are some more peculiar things about this boss in the center of the room, if this boss loses its target, be it because it died or left his range(the room), the boss will fully heal and DOUBLE its maximum amount of Health Points. Now to the second part of the Yalahar Seal.

Part 2: Once players enter the portal in "Floor 1", they're teleported to "Floor 2", upon entering this room players have a 10 seconds protection that works JUST like the one on part 1, and in the center of this room there lies another boss with many technical similarities to the one in "Floor 1", this boss too has physical ranged attacks that will insta-kill anyone it hits regardless of the amount of HP/Mana or protections they possess, this boss' too will not change target unless it loses its current target, be it by death or exiting the room. This boss' attacks bypasses Magic Walls and any other kind of blocking spell/rune, with one exception: Healing Totem, the Healing Totems' area of healing makes anyone in it invulnerable(NOT untargetable) to ALL attacks this boss possess, however, this boss has something else that the one in floor 1 doesn't: a spell, this spell covers the entire room, there isn't a single spot it cannot reach, this spell will not damage players inside or outside of a Healing Totem's area of healing, but it will damage the Totems themselves, and only the Totems, and another Totem's area of healing cannot protect a Totem, this spell is casted periodically every 10 seconds, it does a fixed amount of damage, this amount of damage should be more than half of the Totem's HP, but never enough to one-hit it, the idea behind this is that the Totem must usually not last longer than 20 seconds alive, this monster's attack speed is very fast, so a single milisecond without the protection of a totem should mean immediate death to its current target. Now that I've explained how you keep these bosses busy, we have to move on to the next mechanic of the Seal: Actually killing the bosses.
While the Floor 1 boss is invulnerable, the Floor 2 boss isn't, the party should begin attacking the boss in Floor 2, after this boss reaches a certain threshold of HP(somewhere between 70% and 90% HP, depends on how long you want this Seal to take), it will become invulnerable, and the boss in Floor 1 will become vulnerable, the entire party but the people keeping Healing Totems up should now search for the rotating portal inside of Floor 2, this portal leads back to Floor 1, the players should then attack the boss in Floor 1, until it reaches a certain threshold of HP and becomes invulnerable, then the one in Floor 2 will become vulerable again.
This process should be repeated sevearal times, every time the boss losses somewhere between 10% to 30% HP, up to the developer. But there'll be a point at which both bosses will become vulnerable at once and will remain vulnerable for the rest of the Seal(this can only happen once both bosses' Health Points have been reduced below a certain amount). Now, even though Floor 1's boss is vulnerable, killing it would be a terrible mistake, because the entire party will die/be teleported outside of the Seal if you do so. To properly finish this Seal you must first kill the boss in Floor 2, then, a very short countdown of 10 seconds will appear, this is the time your party has to finish off the boss that resides in Floor 1, if the party fails to defeat it in that amount of time, they will fail the Seal, if they do kill it in time, they will succeed the Seal, be teleported out, and receive their rewards.


Part 1 Strategy: This Seal requires at least three key characters and there probably isn't another way to complete it. The first character is any class capable of using Magic Wall runes, loaded with hundreds, if not thousands of Magic Wall Runes, this character should be the first one to do a move once the party enters "Floor 1", and its first move MUST be placing a Magic Wall in front of his/her party, between the boss and the stacked party, 10 or so seconds afterwards this player should then proceed to place another Magic Wall next to the one he initially placed, and move behind that fresh Magic Wall, the player should repeat this over and over without ever failing to place a Magic Wall on time during the entire duration of the Seal, the player should also be wary of the rotating portal, so that he doesn't step on it accidentally, as this would either make the Seal infinitely more tedious, or flat out wipe the party. The rest of the party should enter the portal that leads to Floor 2 as soon as posible, they should be completely safe to move around Floor 1 as long as the Magic Walling player does his/her job properly, as this boss has no AOE damage and cannot change targets.

Part 2 Strategy: This part of the Seal requires the other at least two necessary characters, those characters must be Druids with enough level to use the Healing Totem summoning spell, one of these at least two characters must take the aggro of the boss. These at least two characters must time their Healing Totems properly. It will take the boss 20 seconds to finish off a Totem, doing half or more of the Totem's HP(but never one-hiting it) every 10 seconds, initially there should be only one Totem, then, once that Totem takes the first tick of damage, the other player should summon a second Totem, 10 seconds later the former Totem will perish to the second tick of damage, and the fresh Totem will be taking its first tick of damage, then the initial Druid should be summoning his Totem again, and they should keep doing this every 10 seconds for the duration of the Seal, this part of the Seal does takes some coordination, and a single mistake from any of the at least three key characters will be fatal.
Now, the party should focus the vulnerable boss and switch to the other one once the former becomes invulnerable, this part should be very straightforward, except for the last part of the Seal, once both bosses become permanently vulnerable(happens when they're at a considerably low amount of Health), players should focus the Floor 1 boss and reduce its Health to a point where it can be quickly killed by one or two more attacks, but being extremely careful of not finishing it off, as that would lose them the Seal, then, players should move to Floor 2 and kill the boss there, they'll have 10 seconds to quickly enter the rotating portal at Floor 2 and swiftly finish the agonizing Floor 1 boss.

This concludes the second of the four Seals, the Yalahar Seal.

Kazordoon Seal

This entire Seal is a huge, 100-maps maze instance that could drive anyone insane. Like I said, this Seal contains exactly one hundred maps, each map has a number written in the center for everyone to see, these numbers represent the location of that room, they range from 1 to 100. Within the large majority, if not all of these rooms, there are extremely powerful monsters that cannot be ignored. And must be tackled carefully. Each one of these 100 rooms has two portals that are present at all times. There's a lever inside of each one of those 100 floors, 95 of those levers will switch the position of ALL portals, we'll call these the "incorrect" levers. The 5 remaining levers are the only way to complete this Seal, we'll call those the "correct" levers.
There's a clue that will reveal the correct levers to the players, however, as players progress, this clue can become deceitful; the rooms with the correct levers in them will have a monster that's unique to those special rooms of the maze, however, one mistake and this can turn into a mess, those monsters are relatively easy to kill, their HP pool is relatively low, it should take a party of 6 no longer than 5 to 10 seconds to kill it, but that monster has the ability to kill anyone, regardless of level, equipment or vocation, perhaps a monster with a "ban" spell similar to Cyntara Zone's Red, but unlike Cyntara Zone's Red, which seems to be completely random, this monster should have a reasonable countdown before it casts this spell, perhaps a whole minute or two, the point is to force players to kill it if they want to successfully finish the instance, instead of just ignoring it, which would make the instance significantly easier.
The reason ignoring the monster would defeat the purpose of the instance is: when the monster dies, it respawns at a new, completely random location(no other monster inside of this instance should have the ability to respawn, only those 5), this includes incorrect lever rooms, as a tactic to deceive players into believing that there's a correct lever there and pulling it, which would change the Seal's portals locations.
Once players locate all 5 correct levers, there needs to be one player next to each lever. This part of the seal takes some coordination; these levers will not work unless they're pulled simultaneously, by simultaneously I mean they must be pulled within a maximum of 2 or 3 seconds from each other, no more than this, if one of the five players fails to push it on time, the normal event these levers trigger will occur; when the correct levers are pulled individually, after a few seconds(2-3) a large amount of strong monsters will spawn and overwhelm the party. If players succeed to pull the lever on time, everyone in the instance will be teleported out and they will receive their rewards.

Before I explain the strategy here, I'd like to expand on the details of this Seal, as it can get really messy and confusing:

Pulling an incorrect lever will switch the position of the portals, and therefore also the room they lead to.
Pulling a correct lever and not pulling all other 4 correct levers within 2-3 seconds will flood the room with strong monsters, but players will most likely have to do this quite a bit of times to confirm they've found a correct lever.
You can only pull the same incorrect lever once every 5 minutes(you can't pull it, switch the portal's position, and pull it again to fix your mistake, you must go outside of that room and push another incorrect lever instead, but then you might have a hard time getting back to the room you came from)
The portals lead to a logical numerical count from left to right, so if you're in room 45 and you take the western(<) portal, it will lead to room 44, if you take the eastern(>) portal, it will lead to room 46, if you take the northern(^) portal, it will lead to room 35, if you take the southern(v) portal, it will lead to room 55. You can use this knowledge to quickly navigate through the map skipping maps that you've already gone through.
You may want to take notes of the rooms with the correct levers, but this shouldn't be necessary if you leave a teammate there and advance in a logical way, which is exactly what you should be doing(even though I've modified this seal so much that its quite different to the official version, where taking notes is absolutely necessary)
Again, ignoring the unique monster that initially spawns in the correct lever rooms should be made impossible, but the monster shouldn't be able to kill a player UNLESS they ignore the monster for over a minute(by not killing it), at which point it should be able to one-shot the player or somehow cause the failure of the entire Seal.
The correct levers should be reassigned to different rooms every time a party succeeds/fails to finish the Seal, so if, for example, the correct levers are in rooms 27, 33, 66, 94, and 99 during this run, they should be randomly reassigned to floors 18, 53, 63, 86 and 100 on the next.
Players are expected to communicate through Party Chat OR a voice-communication service in order to finish this seal.
There are no special bosses in this Seal.

STRATEGY TO BEAT THE KAZORDOON SEAL IN ITS PROPOSED STATE: Firstly, for this Seal it is recommended a party that far exceeds the 6 players minimum, as you'll be leaving party members behind as you progress through this Seal, but the difficulty and the monsters you'll face will not become any more lenient. With that said, the party should move through the Seal together, defeating all monsters until they find the first correct lever and kill the monster that guards it , then leave one of the party members in that room while the rest of the party continues their journey, from here onwards things will get tricky, players should pull the lever of any room they can find one of the unique monsters at, the party should be ready to face the horde of monsters that will spawn three seconds after they pull a correct lever, just in case it is indeed a correct lever, once all correct levers have been found and there's at least one ready party member in each of those rooms, players should coordinate their pull via Party Chat or Voice Communication, failing to pull it in a coordinated manner could mean death to many or all members.

This concludes the third of the four Seals, the Kazordoon Seal.

17 Jan 18 02:48 AM
Carlin Seal

Part 1: This Seal starts with yet another maze, you and your party are going to walk through this extremely powerful monster-ridden maze in search of the portal that leads to part 2 of the Seal, along the way you'll encounter really, really fearsome creatures, and there'll be "Trigger Tiles" like the ones in the 4th part of Thais Seal, there are Trigger Tiles on incorrect and correct paths of the maze, however, unlike the ones you found in the Thais Seal, these Trigger Tiles do a variety of things, the first set of Trigger Tiles you'll encounter are just outside of the intial point of the Maze, its a straight line of Trigger Tiles, players can actually step on them without triggering them, as their event won't trigger until you move out of them, what this first set of Trigger Tiles will do is temporarily raise a wall on the Trigger Tile's location, and anybody who's standing on the Trigger Tiles' location at that moment will simply stack with it, having the choice of stepping forward and not being able to go back, or stepping backwards and not being able to go forward, ONE single player triggering one of these tiles will raise walls on ALL other Trigger Tiles aswell. These Trigger Tiles not only raise a wall that divides the party members, but also spawn several strong monsters ahead of the wall. After a a minute or so, the walls will disappear and these Trigger Tiles will no longer work, the party will be able to continue moving now. Along the way you'll encounter a few more Trigger Tiles that do exactly the same as the first ones you encountered, and you'll also encounter some Trigger Tiles that upon stepping on them will teleport the entire party to special rooms wherein you'll encounter ONE powerful boss and a few powerful monsters, those bosses shouldn't be understimated, as they can annihilate an entire party if they let their guard down(the strength of these bosses should be like that of Violent J, Vlad the Impaler, Ghazbaran and others), fighting these bosses is absolutely necessary, as these Trigger Tiles are found along the correct path of the maze, and the exit portal will not be opened until the bosses die. Eventually the party should reach the end of the maze and enter the portal that leads to the second part of the Carlin Seal.

Part 2: Upon entering that portal, the party finds itself in a needlessly large and seemingly empty room, there's an NPC in the center of the room and strange, rotating tiles that don't seem to do anything, but that's about it. The party leader and only the party leader can communicate with this NPC, after a short dialogue with the party leader, the NPC will begin screaming lore-related stuff, then it will turn into a monster, the first Stage of the final boss of the Carlin Seal.

Note: Like everything else, the strength of these bosses is up to whoever designs them, I'll just share some ideas on what unique stuff they could do.

Stage 1 of the Final Boss: This boss has two summons at any given point, these summons have a very, very low amount of HP(<10,000) and the boss can only be damaged if both of those summons are at <10% of their Health(<1000 HP), players must be extremely careful of not killing the summons, as killing one of them would summon a Special monster that cannot be easily shut down. This new monster Heals the boss and itself to full every second(similarly to Violent J's Faygo), this monster should have an amount of Health that only a really strong, coordinated party could tear down with a single combo, and that would be the only way of killing the monster, this is the price of mistakes. The boss' original summons will re-spawn immediately after they're killed, together with the new, mass healing monster, parties need to avoid killing summons at all cost. The boss itself should have stats that makes it very strong in every way, it is the final challenge of the Seals Quest after all. This boss and all of its other stages will be changing target regularly and cannot be Exeta Res'd, but its attention can be drawn by standing between him and his target, this will force Knights to actually move and step in front of the monster to save the rest of the party, at the risk of getting killed by a powerful wave or something like that, instead of just mindlessly spamming Exeta Res for the entire duration of the battle.
Stage 2 of the Final Boss: Upon defeating its first stage, the boss will give a speech. After a few seconds, its second form will awaken. This monster's second form should be immune to all sources of damage while on normal terrain. There are certain rotating tiles in this room that make the boss vulnerable to damage, you can only defeat it by luring it to one of those tiles, those tiles change location periodically.
Stage 3 of the Final Boss: Upon defeating its second stage, the boss will give a speech. This is the final form of the boss, in this form the boss is immune to Death, Energy, Earth and Physical damage(players can only damage it with Ice, Fire and Holy elements). This boss has screen-wide mana drain and summons Sudden Death Rune-shooting mechanisms, like the ones in Cyntara Zone's Red room. This stage of the boss should also be extremely tanky, with a mix of high Health Points, healing, and fearsome damage.


I will only be sharing the Part 1 strategy, since the part 2 is actually entirely up to whoever designs those monsters.

Part 1 Strategy: Players should stand on the starting Trigger Tiles of the maze and not move at all until everyone has taken a tile, once all Trigger tiles are busy, one or all players on the Trigger Tiles can step forward and defeat the monsters that'll spawn, then sit there and wait for the walls to disappear so they can move forward as a full party, this should be done on all the Trigger Tiles of this nature. Players should do whatever it takes to slowly clear everything along the way and defeat the bosses they'll be forced to fight from stepping on Trigger Tiles, pretty straightforward.

This concludes the fourth and last of the four Seals, the Carlin Seal.

Upon completing all 4 Seals the players should gain access to this special Hall where cool stuff can be done, sadly its original purpose doesn't fit Cyntara. Originally in this Special Hall there's a line of NPCs, one for each of the game's vocations, those NPCs request a list of extremely rare items and very high amounts of in-game currency, once provided, this NPC will give players the best weapon in the game for their class. Thing is, Cyntara's Artifact Weapon system is pretty good and it'd be waste if that system was replaced by this one, so I believe this place should be used for something else.
On the bright side, the best weapons in the game aren't the only thing you can craft here, you can also craft the best footwear and accessories in the game, same method, certain Neutral(class doesn't matter) NPC will request a list of very, very rare items and very high amounts of in-game currency, then once provided she will craft the items for you, you could make it so some of the best pieces of Cyntara gear are craftable here, and you can only do so in this place.

Regarding the "Essence" reward you get from completing the Seals at any time(can be repeated endlessly), originally those Essences contain the game's vocation names, the Seals give you a random one(your vocation doesn't affect which one you get), these essences are one of the "very very rare" ingredients you use to create the best weapon in the game, some are really cheap, practically worthless, and some are really, really expensive. You'd have to add something similar to this, make it so people get one reward from a list, and make it so 1/2/3 of those rewards are really good and totally worth spamming the Seals for, and the rest make it so they at least pay the supplies spent.
I suggest the Seals' entrance to be unlimited and free, and monsters inside of the Seals yield experience and loot, these Seals should be so hard that players should be dying and failing from time to time, so it should be ok if they make up for their loss plus gain a bit of EXP while farming rare/cool items. This should keep some end-game people busy all day long, it certainly does in the place I took it from.

I know I didn't propose anything for Cyntara's lore, but I don't think I'm fit for that. However I did read Red's really interesting stories about his character or something, I'm sure he can do it.

Regards, Zaul

17 Jan 18 04:11 AM
Kazordoon Portals before pulling an incorrect lever:

17 Jan 18 04:12 AM
Kazordoon Portals after pulling an incorrect lever:

17 Jan 18 04:13 AM
PD: The multi-posting is because, for some reason that beats me, I cannot post more than one picture per post. Actually, I can't post anything at all after the picture, had to place this message BEFORE the picture in this post because else it wouldn't be displayed.

Positioning of Trigger Tiles in the Carlin Seal - red = starting point, blue = Trigger Tiles

17 Jan 18 10:56 PM
Joan for president 2020, beware trump.

Nice concepts and ideas, lets see what the staff thinks (and if someone actually reads this)

18 Jan 18 01:53 AM
Dafter said:
Joan for president 2020, beware trump.

Nice concepts and ideas, lets see what the staff thinks (and if someone actually reads this)

Just because we don't post on every thread doesn't mean we don't read everything.

To Joan - I do recommend writing a summary so its easier to sift through that 6.6k word essay on a quest. I can't say whether or not we will look at this closer due to how much work is required for a single quest.

I did give you a tip of 250 coins for doing such an in-depth write up on a potential quest idea. Thanks for the write up and effort!

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