Cyntara - Forum - Misc suggestions + ease of life additions

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Braksnurrarn Leif
27 Jun 18 08:11 AM
First and foremost, adding the higher tier creatures, that's newly added, to the pray npc. Shadow dragons, books~

Adding knights ice rapiers / golden sickles to the auto refill function. For now I'd imagine they're a pain to use, considering they're only 5 charges each. (This is simply because snowballs are in there for paladins, so why shouldn't knights be able to benefit from the same burst of damage without the hassle?)

An easier or "more convienient" way of changing what ammo you're using as a paladin, rather than having to go in through the bot, allow players to change what type of ammo the same way you add new loot to the autolooter. Ctrl+right click.

Furthermore, adding onto what everyone has said about orbs of enchantment & weapon upgrades (this only when you reach the higher tiers) failing too much. Adding something similiar to failstacks wouldn't be a bad idea, the more you fail the easier it gets to add a slot or an upgrade. This would have to increase by more with the orbs and by less with the weapon upgrades, as I assume you intend on it being hard to progress onto the next tier of weaponry.

The battle list function that allows you to hide party members, also hides every other player that's in a party. (This is especially annoying when you're in a war)

Apart from that, something that I've seen from a lot of players that has played knights this version, they seem very underwhelming. Paladins of equal level or even lower level can block more efficiently than a knight. This may be an issue on the paladin end and not so much a knight issue. But nonetheless, when it's more efficient for a paladin to block bosses there's things that need tweaking. Increasing their max hp? Their resistance cap?

27 Jun 18 01:47 PM
Yes, very nice thread Plast! err I mean Braksnurrarn Leif

27 Jun 18 04:19 PM
1, 2, and 4 are in the next patch. 3 is being looked at and should also be in the next patch. As for 5, it won't be in the next patch but maybe a later one. 5 is a complex task and will require a bit more thought put into it.

Braksnurrarn Leif
27 Jun 18 09:06 PM
By all means, a complex task, but nonetheless they need tweaking. However I'm glad to see the other points that was brought up are in the making.
I'm sure v12s2 will be remarkable.

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