Cyntara - Forum - Rebirth

Cyntara v17 Countdown

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21 Jul 18 09:22 PM
Is it me or is there never enough players to do any major quests? I have been wanting to do rebirth quest for about a week. It's either an insufficient team or that player of 1400 refers to not rebirth. At this rate ill never be able to rebirth. The quests is very hard and need 6 players to do it. So basically I have to wait till some lower levels to reach 1400. Which to me makes no sense. I think there should be another choice. Limiting the quest for smaller teams and bigger teams. You guys already made all donation in game basically, which I think defers most people from wanting to play. that's a different subject but rebirth is merely impossible right now for anyone. The players who have done rebirth never want to help. I don't think this is asking for a lot but something needs to be done guys.

21 Jul 18 09:25 PM
I just counted all the players in trainers. there is 38 players in trainers and there is only 53 people online total. I love this server but I feel like i'm stuck due to lack of players.

21 Jul 18 09:52 PM
yeah i agree it is going to be hard for players to do any of the major quests or hunt in the higher tier spawns coz of lack of players and or players not wanting to do them
hopefully we get more players or players willing to help more :)

Peace be with you :)

21 Jul 18 09:54 PM

I totally agree!

There are way to many players afk in trainers! We need more active players on here to do quests and hunt for decent EQ.

21 Jul 18 11:23 PM
I cant even finish a basic quest , cyntara zone because i need a team =(

22 Jul 18 02:32 AM
Murderdruid said:
I cant even finish a basic quest , cyntara zone because i need a team =(

that isn't a basic quest it is one of the very hard ones

Peace be with you :)

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