Cyntara - Forum - Ways to make exiva better a balance

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13 Feb 19 12:28 PM
Exiva is dumb atm and so far all I’ve done is post the negative aspects about it but now to answer peoples reasons on why it should stay

“I don’t want to have to exiva for 10 minutes only to realized they’ve been in their house in Venore afk”

Well the solution to this is to have the exiva spell say they are in a high level spawn, a low level spawn, an event area or a town. This way it gives you a start on their location but also dosnt make hunting kids down idiot proof

The other one is “some players know this map better than us! It’s not fair!!!”

Again some players know the real tibia map better than us so if we played there would it be fair to demand the admin add an exiva than pinpoints you on the map and then creates a teleporter to teleport right into your spawn? No probably not

Another one is “it encourages more pvp”

This one is just false it just encourages people to not level instead there is the same amount of pvp as before, just less people leveling so it looks like more pvp

I’ve yet to see one person give a reason why this exiva is a good idea on a server like Cyntara. It’s overpowered as hell and just makes the game boring and unfun.


13 Feb 19 12:50 PM


Jody Yoffe
13 Feb 19 12:59 PM
I 100% support this idea.
Make it less specific like Trith said. It'll still be better than the normal exiva, but not idiotproof like it is now.

Fred Beron
13 Feb 19 01:12 PM
The other one is “some players know this map better than us! It’s not fair!!!”

Again some players know the real tibia map better than us so if we played there would it be fair to demand the admin add an exiva than pinpoints you on the map and then creates a teleporter to teleport right into your spawn? No probably not

So you see real tibia actually has a map online and its pretty straight forward as everything is on 1 level. If red gave us a map and most spawns started on the same lvl we could pin point where u guys are hiding with normal exiva. I think maybe you guys need to toughen up and just try to fight for a spawn rather than saying nah i guess i wont hunt today. This era is already getting super fucking boring because 80% of ur guild at any given time is in trainers and the others are in spawns we cant reach.

Fuck you

13 Feb 19 01:38 PM
Fred; imagine there’s three people on my team on real tibia one in warlocks one in dwarf guards in kaz and one in Edron demons

On real tibia this would take easily an hour+ to locate them all and kill them all on Cyntara this takes 5 minutes tops.

This is the issue

Also us sitting on trainers is exactly why it should get changed us sitting in trainers means we are unhappy and unhappy players don’t fuxking play or donate thanks bye

Fred Beron
13 Feb 19 01:50 PM
You should probably just give your nuts a tug then and fight instead of crying all day over shit that isnt that big of a deal

Fuck you

13 Feb 19 02:04 PM
I mean it’s what ever if you wanna play sneak war we can keep exiva as it is but I’m not gathering for any more fights and since I was the only one who gathered for fights it means fights are over.

You can play sneak war get bored in a week and quit then we will get bored and quit too. Red can shoot himself in the foot with this idea for all I care I’m done cya

13 Feb 19 02:05 PM
Hopefully we can try this again in v12

13 Feb 19 02:48 PM
Trith said:
Fred; imagine there’s three people on my team on real tibia one in warlocks one in dwarf guards in kaz and one in Edron demons

On real tibia this would take easily an hour+ to locate them all and kill them all on Cyntara this takes 5 minutes tops.

Sir, it takes 5 min to figure out those locations in real tibia. If it takes you a hour, uninstall. This isn’t the game for you.

As for Cyntara exiva it takes 30 seconds. Maybe 5 minutes to actually find the person in spawn, just like most OT’s.

Is this a nice effect? Yes
Is it busted? Slightly, but no. It does in fact encourage more pvp. Guess what? Cyntara is a pvp server.
Is this exiva in need of a nerf? No.
Why? It works as intended. For example TEN of us hunted someone down in a spawn AND COULD NOT FIND THEM.

These are my options.

My team doesn’t respect me, I love playing tibia with them.

Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend

13 Feb 19 03:21 PM
On real tibia it takes 2 minutes to locate the spawn, 5 minutes to walk there and 15 minutes for pz per kill. The hour was if you’re fast.

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