Cyntara - Forum - Transfer coins

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16 Jan 20 01:05 PM
My brother transfered a lot of coins to me, but something happened. I just got like ~100 coins in max. I dont know the exact valor because i deposit mine (450) in sequence. I want my coins back

14:43 Belu Lionheart has gifted you 206 Cyntara Coins!
14:47 Cuca has gifted you 80 Cyntara Coins!
14:48 Belu Lionheart has gifted you 206 Cyntara Coins!

16 Jan 20 08:07 PM
Lnx said:
My brother transfered a lot of coins to me, but something happened. I just got like ~100 coins in max. I dont know the exact valor because i deposit mine (450) in sequence. I want my coins back

14:43 Belu Lionheart has gifted you 206 Cyntara Coins!
14:47 Cuca has gifted you 80 Cyntara Coins!
14:48 Belu Lionheart has gifted you 206 Cyntara Coins!
I'm not sure how I can assist you without knowing how many Cyntara Coins that your brother transferred to you nor the amount of coins you ended up with. I'm able to share your transaction history with you, however.

[01/16/2020 12:43:28] Belu Lionheart transferred 206 coins to Lunax. [206 -> 0].
[01/16/2020 12:46:59] Cuca transferred 80 coins to Lunax. [80 -> 0].
[01/16/2020 12:48:56] Belu Lionheart transferred 206 coins to Lunax. [206 -> 0].
[01/16/2020 12:51:17] Lunax added Cyntara Coins to their account from the bank. Coins Balance: [286 -> 728]
[01/16/2020 12:55:57] Lunax added Cyntara Coins to their account from the bank. Coins Balance: [728 -> 730]
[01/16/2020 13:13:20] Lunax added Cyntara Coins to their account from the bank. Coins Balance: [730 -> 736]
[01/16/2020 16:03:59] Skiller transferred 350 coins to Lunax. [392 -> 42].
[01/16/2020 16:16:34] Lunax selected "Rainbow" from the store. Coins Balance: [1,086 -> 336]

It looks like you had some coins added to your account from various sources and then spent the bulk of the balance on the Rainbow effect. If this still does not seem right, please try to recall the details of the event and what the issue is; everything seems fine on our end.

17 Jan 20 06:11 AM
So, according to your reply…. My brother transfered me 492 (206+206+80). And after this i added 442 coins.

[01/16/2020 12:51:17] Lunax added Cyntara Coins to their account from the bank. Coins Balance: [286 -> 728]

How do u explain my 286 coins, if just for my brother i had 492, beyond what i already have in my account (?)

Transfer from Belu+Cuca+Belu+Skiller= 884 coins, coins that i just received from transfer….. Remembering that i also transfered by myself 442

17 Jan 20 05:34 PM
Lnx said:
So, according to your reply…. My brother transfered me 492 (206+206+80). And after this i added 442 coins.

[01/16/2020 12:51:17] Lunax added Cyntara Coins to their account from the bank. Coins Balance: [286 -> 728]

How do u explain my 286 coins, if just for my brother i had 492, beyond what i already have in my account (?)

Transfer from Belu+Cuca+Belu+Skiller= 884 coins, coins that i just received from transfer….. Remembering that i also transfered by myself 442
You're right. I'm not sure.

How many coins are you missing?

18 Jan 20 12:54 PM
Im missing 356 coins.

286 - 150 (that i already had)= 136

492 (from my brother) -136 (a part that i received from the transfer)= 356

19 Jan 20 12:27 AM
Lnx said:
Im missing 356 coins.

286 - 150 (that i already had)= 136

492 (from my brother) -136 (a part that i received from the transfer)= 356
I'm not sure how that's possible, but if you're able to reproduce the issue please let me know and we'll fix it promptly.

I've added the missing 356 Cyntara Coins to your account.

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