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16 Apr 20 04:47 PM |
- Fixed an issue with raid cooldowns not working properly.
- Lava Dragons and Lava Dragonlings are now properly tagged as fire monsters.
- Fixed an issue with area combat spells not working properly under some circumstances.
- Tower Defense plays can now be purchased directly from store balance.
- Power Tabs can no longer be used when template stats are applied (for instance inside of automated events).
- Add Greymir Slicer and Rubinite Axe to Behemoths, Juggernauts, White Knights, and White Warlords.
- Added Black Bert NPC which will sell certain quest items if lost.
- Using Divination Cards will now show the resulting outcome in the chat.
- Staff members are now teleported inside level doors instead of actually opening them.
- Fixed an issue in the Behemoth / Cyclops spawn where players were able to access Behemoths through Cyclops spawn despite the level requirement.
- Gamemasters and Event Managers can no longer use /mccheck and /info commands.
- Adjusted the damage of Shadow Dragons.
- Adjusted a void portal location on the Shadow Dragons spawn.
- Fixed an issue where under rare circumstances players wouldn't be able to open event reward chests.
- Zombies in the Infected event will now be kicked out of the event if they're detected as AFK, when this happens, a new Zombie will be randomly chosen.
Red, God, Maazik like this post.
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16 Apr 20 05:53 PM |
Love to see Diath taking action, great work keep it up!

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