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25 Apr 20 08:13 PM |
Spawn Writeup;
Not doing all spawns obviously cause a lot of them are so similar it almost dosn't matter
Big point about "team hunt" spawns, I think generally the exp per monster should be dropped drastically and the task exp should be increased rather largely
this is to combat a sorc from just ass blasting ogres into next week getting insane exp while 3 ppl who try hunt there together get almost no exp.
this is IMO the ONLY way to balance a "team hunt" spawn. Upon entering a team hunt spawn you should be alerted to a message saying to start the task.
Now onto individual spawns. Ignoring the ones I don't know enough about
Terror birds; This monster is kinda spaced out quite far with almost a full screen between each monster making hunting it kinda boring/slow
Dwarves; I think this monster is in a great spot
Nightstalkers; Similar to terror birds but this monster also kinda hits hard for its level. Exp is okay though for the level
Cyclops; This monster is in a fairly good spot.
Eskimos; This monster is also in a fairly good spot atm
Vampires; Monster exp sucks, loot sucks, map sucks to hunt literally get lost there everytime i go there lol
Crazed beggars; Spawn is almost perfect all around
Combined; Elves, Squirrels, lancer beetles. Comparing these spawns to the djinn spawn that is also level 250 djinn gives about 5x the exp of the other 3. Djinn should be
lowered about 15% and the rest raised 15%
Drill worms, Monsters are crazily spaced out in this spawn, exp and monster density should be increasd
Servent golems; This spawn is in a fairly good spot but could have its exp raised a tad on the iron/golem servants
Crystal spiders; Wayyy too tanky for the exp they give/ the level req of the spawn
Fire devils; In an alright place but just outshined by other spawns that are too strong near its level.
Quaras come in hugeee groups and gives a bit too much exp as a result exp should be dropped by about 10-15%
Warlocks; exp is kinda low on the monster plus para spam/invis spam
Ancient scarabs; Basically king of all spawns exp on scarabs and ancient scarabs should be dropped by about 25% to combat the insane respawn rate
Royal minions should get about a 5-10% exp increase
Dragons den; This place gives level 200 players access to level 400 monsters which kinda boosts their exp quite fast and as a result some of the dragon lords should be removed
and turned into regular dragons. Perhaps keep 1 dragon lord at each of the dead ends in the quest
All around quest; Similar to dragons den, the amount of behemoths should be cut in half in the (3rd?) room. This room is far too hard for lower level players and gives too much exp to rbed players
Four swords; The exp of the king/queen should be nerfed by about 80% and the demons should be removed/turned into demons that dont give nearly as much exp Rps basically spam levels here on RB
Spectral awakening quest; The Spectral dragons should have their exp taken down by about 25%.
Behemoths; Exp should be increased by about 10-15%
Serpent spawns should have exp increased by about 15-20%
Hydras should have their exp increased by about 10%
Lava dragons; Individual exp should be taken down by just over half and task should be just over doubled the exp given upon completion ( Rough estimate )
Crystal dragons; ^ similar but again, (Rough Estimate)
Pyro imps; I think this place is in an alright spot exp wise but 1 player can EASILY max the spawn rate which should be addressed. If 2 ppl go there no ones getting any exp
white knight; Exp should be increased by about 10-15% on white knights, Some of the white warlords should be turned into white knights because they hit too hard to really hunt in groups
Yetis; This place is pretty good as it stands
Wyrms; Exp increased by 15% on regular wyrms and 10% on elders
Grim reapers; Due to how these are hunted the exp should be increased by about 30-40%
Mutated toads; These are in an alright spot but exp could be lowered by about 5% or so
Abyss necros; In an alright spot, possibly nerf the damaage of the monster as they hit harder than most other monsters.
Nightmayers exp should be nerfed about 25%
Demi lich; Exp increase by about 10-15%
Outlaws; Exp shoudl be increased by about 10% snce you can't ue spam groups of them the exp increase should help the spawn
Ogres; Exp of indivdual ogres should be more than halved, but the task exp should be raised about 2.5x the current exp
Insectoids; Exp should be rasied by an easy 15-20%
Demons are in an alright spot expwise
Undead drgaons are alright exp
LWs- Exp should be raised 10%, mana drain should be an exori size mana drain and the drunk spam removed. This place is 100% cancer to hunt
Mad mages; exp should be raised bout 20%
Books; Should have exp raised almost 30%
Ice miners; exp should be nerfed about 20-30%
Forbidden temple; This spawn is in an alright place if the other exp raises/nerfs are put into place
(A lot of the spawns that give artifact spell levels should have exp nerfs, These places give too much stuff atm)
Old fortress; Exp of monsters should be hit 10% and the task should be hit 20%
Demonborn valley; Exp shhould be nerfed massively by almost 60%. Loot (not including crystals) should be nerfed by about 75%. This place is a money paradise
This spawn gives the best helmet ingame, and as a result should not give exp, money and helmet
Not doing all spawns obviously cause a lot of them are so similar it almost dosn't matter
Big point about "team hunt" spawns, I think generally the exp per monster should be dropped drastically and the task exp should be increased rather largely
this is to combat a sorc from just ass blasting ogres into next week getting insane exp while 3 ppl who try hunt there together get almost no exp.
this is IMO the ONLY way to balance a "team hunt" spawn. Upon entering a team hunt spawn you should be alerted to a message saying to start the task.
Now onto individual spawns. Ignoring the ones I don't know enough about
Terror birds; This monster is kinda spaced out quite far with almost a full screen between each monster making hunting it kinda boring/slow
Dwarves; I think this monster is in a great spot
Nightstalkers; Similar to terror birds but this monster also kinda hits hard for its level. Exp is okay though for the level
Cyclops; This monster is in a fairly good spot.
Eskimos; This monster is also in a fairly good spot atm
Vampires; Monster exp sucks, loot sucks, map sucks to hunt literally get lost there everytime i go there lol
Crazed beggars; Spawn is almost perfect all around
Combined; Elves, Squirrels, lancer beetles. Comparing these spawns to the djinn spawn that is also level 250 djinn gives about 5x the exp of the other 3. Djinn should be
lowered about 15% and the rest raised 15%
Drill worms, Monsters are crazily spaced out in this spawn, exp and monster density should be increasd
Servent golems; This spawn is in a fairly good spot but could have its exp raised a tad on the iron/golem servants
Crystal spiders; Wayyy too tanky for the exp they give/ the level req of the spawn
Fire devils; In an alright place but just outshined by other spawns that are too strong near its level.
Quaras come in hugeee groups and gives a bit too much exp as a result exp should be dropped by about 10-15%
Warlocks; exp is kinda low on the monster plus para spam/invis spam
Ancient scarabs; Basically king of all spawns exp on scarabs and ancient scarabs should be dropped by about 25% to combat the insane respawn rate
Royal minions should get about a 5-10% exp increase
Dragons den; This place gives level 200 players access to level 400 monsters which kinda boosts their exp quite fast and as a result some of the dragon lords should be removed
and turned into regular dragons. Perhaps keep 1 dragon lord at each of the dead ends in the quest
All around quest; Similar to dragons den, the amount of behemoths should be cut in half in the (3rd?) room. This room is far too hard for lower level players and gives too much exp to rbed players
Four swords; The exp of the king/queen should be nerfed by about 80% and the demons should be removed/turned into demons that dont give nearly as much exp Rps basically spam levels here on RB
Spectral awakening quest; The Spectral dragons should have their exp taken down by about 25%.
Behemoths; Exp should be increased by about 10-15%
Serpent spawns should have exp increased by about 15-20%
Hydras should have their exp increased by about 10%
Lava dragons; Individual exp should be taken down by just over half and task should be just over doubled the exp given upon completion ( Rough estimate )
Crystal dragons; ^ similar but again, (Rough Estimate)
Pyro imps; I think this place is in an alright spot exp wise but 1 player can EASILY max the spawn rate which should be addressed. If 2 ppl go there no ones getting any exp
white knight; Exp should be increased by about 10-15% on white knights, Some of the white warlords should be turned into white knights because they hit too hard to really hunt in groups
Yetis; This place is pretty good as it stands
Wyrms; Exp increased by 15% on regular wyrms and 10% on elders
Grim reapers; Due to how these are hunted the exp should be increased by about 30-40%
Mutated toads; These are in an alright spot but exp could be lowered by about 5% or so
Abyss necros; In an alright spot, possibly nerf the damaage of the monster as they hit harder than most other monsters.
Nightmayers exp should be nerfed about 25%
Demi lich; Exp increase by about 10-15%
Outlaws; Exp shoudl be increased by about 10% snce you can't ue spam groups of them the exp increase should help the spawn
Ogres; Exp of indivdual ogres should be more than halved, but the task exp should be raised about 2.5x the current exp
Insectoids; Exp should be rasied by an easy 15-20%
Demons are in an alright spot expwise
Undead drgaons are alright exp
LWs- Exp should be raised 10%, mana drain should be an exori size mana drain and the drunk spam removed. This place is 100% cancer to hunt
Mad mages; exp should be raised bout 20%
Books; Should have exp raised almost 30%
Ice miners; exp should be nerfed about 20-30%
Forbidden temple; This spawn is in an alright place if the other exp raises/nerfs are put into place
(A lot of the spawns that give artifact spell levels should have exp nerfs, These places give too much stuff atm)
Old fortress; Exp of monsters should be hit 10% and the task should be hit 20%
Demonborn valley; Exp shhould be nerfed massively by almost 60%. Loot (not including crystals) should be nerfed by about 75%. This place is a money paradise
This spawn gives the best helmet ingame, and as a result should not give exp, money and helmet
Assem likes this post.
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25 Apr 20 08:22 PM |
Agreed mostly,
I think a good start would be to
- (level 900-1k)Nerf ice miners just a little and buff books, LW, and mad mages to make them fair spawns to compete with miners even with their potential exp nerf
- (600-900)Battlemages, grim reapers, abyss necros, demi liches, and outlaws have been about useless for me and dont compete with the better spawns like Yielothax Ogres Drakens and post rebirth Toads in the slightest
For lower level, water elementals, crystal spiders, frost dragons, squirrels are useless, especially in comparison to the better spawns like bog raiders, scarabs, and servent golems. I dont think these need a nerf but the others should be buffed to make early player progression faster.
thats just my thoughts tho
I think a good start would be to
- (level 900-1k)Nerf ice miners just a little and buff books, LW, and mad mages to make them fair spawns to compete with miners even with their potential exp nerf
- (600-900)Battlemages, grim reapers, abyss necros, demi liches, and outlaws have been about useless for me and dont compete with the better spawns like Yielothax Ogres Drakens and post rebirth Toads in the slightest
For lower level, water elementals, crystal spiders, frost dragons, squirrels are useless, especially in comparison to the better spawns like bog raiders, scarabs, and servent golems. I dont think these need a nerf but the others should be buffed to make early player progression faster.
thats just my thoughts tho
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25 Apr 20 09:37 PM |
i dont agree about nerfs , but the buffs is fine
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26 Apr 20 02:19 AM |
Thing is by nerfing/buffing you'll still create the same issue of having a good hunt, ppl will end up searching for the fastest route and still do it. if you dont want them to reach that quickly then you should consider looking into exp fishes/green perch because thats the main reason ppl level up real quick.
I do agree some spawns needs a buff but the other nerfs are unnecessary basically put you'll nerf a spawn then buff another 2-3 ppl will just compare them and search for the best exp and it will end up being the next ice miners.
"Four swords; The exp of the king/queen should be nerfed by about 80% and the demons should be removed/turned into demons that dont give nearly as much exp Rps basically spawn levels here on RB"
How about removing the whole quest? you're literally fucking up the whole quest. do you know how high 80% is?
Isnt it weird you haven't mentioned how OP mortal kombat is?
Just make it 5 rebs max or something 20 rebs is too much anyway.
I do agree some spawns needs a buff but the other nerfs are unnecessary basically put you'll nerf a spawn then buff another 2-3 ppl will just compare them and search for the best exp and it will end up being the next ice miners.
"Four swords; The exp of the king/queen should be nerfed by about 80% and the demons should be removed/turned into demons that dont give nearly as much exp Rps basically spawn levels here on RB"
How about removing the whole quest? you're literally fucking up the whole quest. do you know how high 80% is?
Isnt it weird you haven't mentioned how OP mortal kombat is?
Just make it 5 rebs max or something 20 rebs is too much anyway.
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26 Apr 20 09:37 PM |
i gona say all spots i tink need recive buffs .
Priestesses , Crazed Beggar , Lance Better , Elves , Drilworms, vampires , Water Elemental , Pirates , Sea Serpents , Dragons , elementalis , dragon lords , bog raider , fire devils,
Crystal Spider , Frost Dragon , Quaras, warlocks , heros , Deeplings , behemoths , royal minions , serpent spawn , hydras , holy bishop , Werewolves, Wips , Pyro Imps , White Knight,Yetis , Infernal Battle Mage , Demon Sprout Wyrms, mutated toad , abyss necromancers.
Now spots REALLY NEED A BIG BUFF –– Outlaws , Golens , Swamp Lords , Demi Lichs , Yielothix , Seacrest Spawn , Insectoids , Legendary Warriors , Fly Books , Forbidden temple , minotaur cultist , arid plateu , lycantrophes , mind flayers , bligglet grotto, Demon Jail.
Priestesses , Crazed Beggar , Lance Better , Elves , Drilworms, vampires , Water Elemental , Pirates , Sea Serpents , Dragons , elementalis , dragon lords , bog raider , fire devils,
Crystal Spider , Frost Dragon , Quaras, warlocks , heros , Deeplings , behemoths , royal minions , serpent spawn , hydras , holy bishop , Werewolves, Wips , Pyro Imps , White Knight,Yetis , Infernal Battle Mage , Demon Sprout Wyrms, mutated toad , abyss necromancers.
Now spots REALLY NEED A BIG BUFF –– Outlaws , Golens , Swamp Lords , Demi Lichs , Yielothix , Seacrest Spawn , Insectoids , Legendary Warriors , Fly Books , Forbidden temple , minotaur cultist , arid plateu , lycantrophes , mind flayers , bligglet grotto, Demon Jail.
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28 Apr 20 04:14 AM |
I think spwans need to be bigger so everyone get his space in hunt you can make 2 tps of same monster with same map that would be nice.
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28 Apr 20 09:32 AM |
I really disagree that nerfing spawns or making the worthless spawns op is a viable option, main reason is because players will find the new "op" spawns and hunt there instead of the "op" spawns we had atm.
The rb0 1k spawns should be buffed to be better than ice miners, same with rb1 spawns to avoid players staying at the same spawn and therefore making it harder for new players to hunt in those spawns.
Would also be good to make either change two existing or create two new spawns (rb0 and rb1 1k spawns) that are easier for mages.
I disagree on these changes:
Combined; Elves, Squirrels, lancer beetles. Comparing these spawns to the djinn spawn that is also level 250 djinn gives about 5x the exp of the other 3. Djinn should be
lowered about 15% and the rest raised 15%
- Lancer beetles actually gives the most exp per kill, elves gives the least exp - but you have to remember its alot easier to pull alot of elves so you would most likely have a higher exp/h there.
- Rest of them give the roughly the same amount of exp per kill so not sure if this really is a needed nerf / buff.
Crystal + lava dragons:
- Should be left as they are, it's a good place for rb0 players to team hunt and the only place rb players hunt at 500-600
- There would probably be more players team hunting there (at rb0) if the healing is nerfed, but that would make the spawn super op for rb players.
Nightmayers exp should be nerfed about 25%
- It's one of the few 800 spawns that are good and you need to either donate or collect dung tokens to get access, would be better to buff the other 800 spawns but it should still be worth getting access to nightmayers.
Demonborn valley; Exp should be nerfed massively by almost 60%. Loot (not including crystals) should be nerfed by about 75%. This place is a money paradise
This spawn gives the best helmet ingame, and as a result should not give exp, money and helmet
- The loot should be nerfed (this is only a problem when you start double loot tbh) but not 75%, thats way to much.
- Would also be a good ide to cap the loot when 4x is on to avoid "abusing" it to get tons of cash.
- Same thing with the exp, this place is only crazy for mages since they can hit everything with ues, a simple fix would be to not give any exp from killing the tentacle monsters
(A lot of the spawns that give artifact spell levels should have exp nerfs, These places give too much stuff atm)
Old fortress; Exp of monsters should be hit 10% and the task should be hit 20%
- The task in old fort (400) is way to much if you ask me and you can still get more exp/h at miners (even if this is an rb1 spawn where the dmg is crazy) so really can't see the reason to nerf the exp.
Mad mages; exp should be raised bout 20%
- Probably more than that, para, drunk, crazy healing you are almost forced to team hunt there even with a high rb, so 20% won't be enough to get teams to hunt there.
- Same goes for legendary warriors, they are like crystal dragons with more cancer and close to nothing when it comes to exp/h
Insectoids; Exp should be raised by an easy 15-20%
- I can agree it should have a small buff, but probably not 15-20%, they are alot easier to kill compared to ex an undead dragon the only benefit of this spawn is that you don't have to run around to find spawn and that you can task it.
Not sure about these:
Drill worms, Monsters are crazily spaced out in this spawn, exp and monster density should be increased
- The exp is great, so no need to buff that but the amount of spawns kinda evens it all out.
Books; Should have exp raised almost 30%
- In a way I can agree with this since mages need more spawns, but at the same time the loot is really good here (you never run out of GMPs as a mage), you loot ml charms etc etc
- I just feel 30% might be abit to much since it's easy to pull and ue alot of them.
Forbidden temple; This spawn is in an alright place if the other exp raises/nerfs are put into place
- Miners gives 3 times more exp per kill and still easier to kill, but all the 1k spawns should be better than ice miners, to avoid people hunting in miners from 950-1200
The rb0 1k spawns should be buffed to be better than ice miners, same with rb1 spawns to avoid players staying at the same spawn and therefore making it harder for new players to hunt in those spawns.
Would also be good to make either change two existing or create two new spawns (rb0 and rb1 1k spawns) that are easier for mages.
I disagree on these changes:
Combined; Elves, Squirrels, lancer beetles. Comparing these spawns to the djinn spawn that is also level 250 djinn gives about 5x the exp of the other 3. Djinn should be
lowered about 15% and the rest raised 15%
- Lancer beetles actually gives the most exp per kill, elves gives the least exp - but you have to remember its alot easier to pull alot of elves so you would most likely have a higher exp/h there.
- Rest of them give the roughly the same amount of exp per kill so not sure if this really is a needed nerf / buff.
Crystal + lava dragons:
- Should be left as they are, it's a good place for rb0 players to team hunt and the only place rb players hunt at 500-600
- There would probably be more players team hunting there (at rb0) if the healing is nerfed, but that would make the spawn super op for rb players.
Nightmayers exp should be nerfed about 25%
- It's one of the few 800 spawns that are good and you need to either donate or collect dung tokens to get access, would be better to buff the other 800 spawns but it should still be worth getting access to nightmayers.
Demonborn valley; Exp should be nerfed massively by almost 60%. Loot (not including crystals) should be nerfed by about 75%. This place is a money paradise
This spawn gives the best helmet ingame, and as a result should not give exp, money and helmet
- The loot should be nerfed (this is only a problem when you start double loot tbh) but not 75%, thats way to much.
- Would also be a good ide to cap the loot when 4x is on to avoid "abusing" it to get tons of cash.
- Same thing with the exp, this place is only crazy for mages since they can hit everything with ues, a simple fix would be to not give any exp from killing the tentacle monsters
(A lot of the spawns that give artifact spell levels should have exp nerfs, These places give too much stuff atm)
Old fortress; Exp of monsters should be hit 10% and the task should be hit 20%
- The task in old fort (400) is way to much if you ask me and you can still get more exp/h at miners (even if this is an rb1 spawn where the dmg is crazy) so really can't see the reason to nerf the exp.
Mad mages; exp should be raised bout 20%
- Probably more than that, para, drunk, crazy healing you are almost forced to team hunt there even with a high rb, so 20% won't be enough to get teams to hunt there.
- Same goes for legendary warriors, they are like crystal dragons with more cancer and close to nothing when it comes to exp/h
Insectoids; Exp should be raised by an easy 15-20%
- I can agree it should have a small buff, but probably not 15-20%, they are alot easier to kill compared to ex an undead dragon the only benefit of this spawn is that you don't have to run around to find spawn and that you can task it.
Not sure about these:
Drill worms, Monsters are crazily spaced out in this spawn, exp and monster density should be increased
- The exp is great, so no need to buff that but the amount of spawns kinda evens it all out.
Books; Should have exp raised almost 30%
- In a way I can agree with this since mages need more spawns, but at the same time the loot is really good here (you never run out of GMPs as a mage), you loot ml charms etc etc
- I just feel 30% might be abit to much since it's easy to pull and ue alot of them.
Forbidden temple; This spawn is in an alright place if the other exp raises/nerfs are put into place
- Miners gives 3 times more exp per kill and still easier to kill, but all the 1k spawns should be better than ice miners, to avoid people hunting in miners from 950-1200
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29 Apr 20 03:30 PM |
WibbenZ said:
I really disagree that nerfing spawns or making the worthless spawns op is a viable option, main reason is because players will find the new "op" spawns and hunt there instead of the "op" spawns we had atm.
I really disagree that nerfing spawns or making the worthless spawns op is a viable option, main reason is because players will find the new "op" spawns and hunt there instead of the "op" spawns we had atm.
This is the point, There shouldn't be ANY "op" spawn and by constantly buffing and nerfing spawns eventually we will hit a middle ground where there is nothing that is just insanely better than the rest. Sure, there might be some "good" spawns but nothing should dwarf the other spawns around the,
WibbenZ said:
I disagree on these changes:
Combined; Elves, Squirrels, lancer beetles. Comparing these spawns to the djinn spawn that is also level 250 djinn gives about 5x the exp of the other 3. Djinn should be
lowered about 15% and the rest raised 15%
- Lancer beetles actually gives the most exp per kill, elves gives the least exp - but you have to remember its alot easier to pull alot of elves so you would most likely have a higher exp/h there.
- Rest of them give the roughly the same amount of exp per kill so not sure if this really is a needed nerf / buff.
I disagree on these changes:
Combined; Elves, Squirrels, lancer beetles. Comparing these spawns to the djinn spawn that is also level 250 djinn gives about 5x the exp of the other 3. Djinn should be
lowered about 15% and the rest raised 15%
- Lancer beetles actually gives the most exp per kill, elves gives the least exp - but you have to remember its alot easier to pull alot of elves so you would most likely have a higher exp/h there.
- Rest of them give the roughly the same amount of exp per kill so not sure if this really is a needed nerf / buff.
The difference is that in lancer beetles you cant get a full lure around you, but in djinns for example you can. And because of the INSANE spawn rate in djinns you are basically full surrounded by djinns non stop meaning ur exp/h is only as fast as u can ue.
WibbenZ said:
Crystal + lava dragons:
- Should be left as they are, it's a good place for rb0 players to team hunt and the only place rb players hunt at 500-600
- There would probably be more players team hunting there (at rb0) if the healing is nerfed, but that would make the spawn super op for rb players.
Crystal + lava dragons:
- Should be left as they are, it's a good place for rb0 players to team hunt and the only place rb players hunt at 500-600
- There would probably be more players team hunting there (at rb0) if the healing is nerfed, but that would make the spawn super op for rb players.
This is why the tasks should raised and individual exp should be dropped
WibbenZ said:
Books; Should have exp raised almost 30%
- In a way I can agree with this since mages need more spawns, but at the same time the loot is really good here (you never run out of GMPs as a mage), you loot ml charms etc etc
- I just feel 30% might be abit to much since it's easy to pull and ue alot of them.
Books; Should have exp raised almost 30%
- In a way I can agree with this since mages need more spawns, but at the same time the loot is really good here (you never run out of GMPs as a mage), you loot ml charms etc etc
- I just feel 30% might be abit to much since it's easy to pull and ue alot of them.
This might sound like an exaggeration but i promise you it is not; Hunting ancient scarabs atm with the spawn to yourself is BETTER exp/h than hunting flying books solo.
WibbenZ said:
Forbidden temple; This spawn is in an alright place if the other exp raises/nerfs are put into place
- Miners gives 3 times more exp per kill and still easier to kill, but all the 1k spawns should be better than ice miners, to avoid people hunting in miners from 950-1200
Forbidden temple; This spawn is in an alright place if the other exp raises/nerfs are put into place
- Miners gives 3 times more exp per kill and still easier to kill, but all the 1k spawns should be better than ice miners, to avoid people hunting in miners from 950-1200
This is exactly why miners should be nerfed lol
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02 May 20 07:57 PM |
Trith said:
This is the point, There shouldn't be ANY "op" spawn and by constantly buffing and nerfing spawns eventually we will hit a middle ground where there is nothing that is just insanely better than the rest. Sure, there might be some "good" spawns but nothing should dwarf the other spawns around the,
WibbenZ said:
I really disagree that nerfing spawns or making the worthless spawns op is a viable option, main reason is because players will find the new "op" spawns and hunt there instead of the "op" spawns we had atm.
I really disagree that nerfing spawns or making the worthless spawns op is a viable option, main reason is because players will find the new "op" spawns and hunt there instead of the "op" spawns we had atm.
This is the point, There shouldn't be ANY "op" spawn and by constantly buffing and nerfing spawns eventually we will hit a middle ground where there is nothing that is just insanely better than the rest. Sure, there might be some "good" spawns but nothing should dwarf the other spawns around the,
It would take season(s) to get to the point where you won't notice any diffrence, you can see how cipsoft are dealing with the exact same issue atm.
Would be better to make it so you don't care if you get the "perfect" spawn, insted the other ones (ex 1k spawns) should be almost just as good.
Trith said:
WibbenZ said:
The difference is that in lancer beetles you cant get a full lure around you, but in djinns for example you can. And because of the INSANE spawn rate in djinns you are basically full surrounded by djinns non stop meaning ur exp/h is only as fast as u can ue.
WibbenZ said:
I disagree on these changes:
Combined; Elves, Squirrels, lancer beetles. Comparing these spawns to the djinn spawn that is also level 250 djinn gives about 5x the exp of the other 3. Djinn should be
lowered about 15% and the rest raised 15%
- Lancer beetles actually gives the most exp per kill, elves gives the least exp - but you have to remember its alot easier to pull alot of elves so you would most likely have a higher exp/h there.
- Rest of them give the roughly the same amount of exp per kill so not sure if this really is a needed nerf / buff.
I disagree on these changes:
Combined; Elves, Squirrels, lancer beetles. Comparing these spawns to the djinn spawn that is also level 250 djinn gives about 5x the exp of the other 3. Djinn should be
lowered about 15% and the rest raised 15%
- Lancer beetles actually gives the most exp per kill, elves gives the least exp - but you have to remember its alot easier to pull alot of elves so you would most likely have a higher exp/h there.
- Rest of them give the roughly the same amount of exp per kill so not sure if this really is a needed nerf / buff.
The difference is that in lancer beetles you cant get a full lure around you, but in djinns for example you can. And because of the INSANE spawn rate in djinns you are basically full surrounded by djinns non stop meaning ur exp/h is only as fast as u can ue.
Well I can agree on that, but wouldnt it be better to change the spawn(s) in that case?
Ex lower the amount of spawned djinns or add more lancers?
Trith said:
This is why the tasks should raised and individual exp should be dropped
WibbenZ said:
- Should be left as they are, it's a good place for rb0 players to team hunt and the only place rb players hunt at 500-600
- There would probably be more players team hunting there (at rb0) if the healing is nerfed, but that would make the spawn super op for rb players.
- Should be left as they are, it's a good place for rb0 players to team hunt and the only place rb players hunt at 500-600
- There would probably be more players team hunting there (at rb0) if the healing is nerfed, but that would make the spawn super op for rb players.
This is why the tasks should raised and individual exp should be dropped
Won't really make a huge difrence, same with rb1 spawns where they made it 400 insted of 100 kills in orc fort, those who prefer the spawn will still stay there the rest will move to ex nightmare ruins to get more tasks (aka boss tokens).
A thing like this would just make it harder for everyone, if thats what we are after it would be better to lower the exp rate at this stage.
If you ask me you should be encouraged to teamhunt, not the otherway around.
Trith said:
WibbenZ said:
Books; Should have exp raised almost 30%
- In a way I can agree with this since mages need more spawns, but at the same time the loot is really good here (you never run out of GMPs as a mage), you loot ml charms etc etc
- I just feel 30% might be abit to much since it's easy to pull and ue alot of them.
Books; Should have exp raised almost 30%
- In a way I can agree with this since mages need more spawns, but at the same time the loot is really good here (you never run out of GMPs as a mage), you loot ml charms etc etc
- I just feel 30% might be abit to much since it's easy to pull and ue alot of them.
This might sound like an exaggeration but i promise you it is not; Hunting ancient scarabs atm with the spawn to yourself is BETTER exp/h than hunting flying books solo.
I wrote the things I disagree on and I fully agree on nerfing scarabs.
But giving them 30% more exp seems to much (once again it will take atleast 2-3 seasons probbly before everything is semi balanced).
Trith said:
This is exactly why miners should be nerfed lol
WibbenZ said:
Forbidden temple; This spawn is in an alright place if the other exp raises/nerfs are put into place
- Miners gives 3 times more exp per kill and still easier to kill, but all the 1k spawns should be better than ice miners, to avoid people hunting in miners from 950-1200
Forbidden temple; This spawn is in an alright place if the other exp raises/nerfs are put into place
- Miners gives 3 times more exp per kill and still easier to kill, but all the 1k spawns should be better than ice miners, to avoid people hunting in miners from 950-1200
This is exactly why miners should be nerfed lol
Or should the other spawns be nerfed?
Once again nerfing and buffing a couple of spawns will create the same issue we have right now, except it would take a player like wood a couple of hours to find what spawn is the best this season.
Would be better to get everything balanced, maybe even make more spawns more focused to certain vocations, ex what mage (or well any vocation atm) would hunt in golems?
It's up to the staff to decide, but I can't see a way of nerfing / buffing some spawns to be a good ide.
Mainly because as I said it won't take long for a player like Wood to find the new "op" spawns, would be better to balance the spawns as they are.
And what happens if they start nerfing spanws? Well a new thread / post will be created saying players like Wood can level like crazy while they spent 2min hunting and can't find a good spawn.
Is that a fair game to you?
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