02 Mar 21 07:52 PM |
- Fixed an issue with Blacksmith's Chisel interaction with items with charges.
- Fixed an issue where the HotA quest was taking all the Pharaoh Treasure items instead of just one.
- Fixed an issue where bosses were dropping Guardian Boots where they should have been dropping Kyanite Boots.
- The Battle Tower monsters will no longer count towards tasks.
- Players can no longer move items in houses when outside houses (for instance when items are placed on open doors).
- Update the Abyssal Trinity bosses to be more consistent across vocations. (All bosses are now task bosses.)
- Improved how the Deaths channel messages are handled.
- Fixed an issue with Empowered and Infused monsters not appearing correctly in the Deaths channel.
- Last open containers will now be restored when reconnecting in addition to logging in.
- Optimized a number of systems to improve their performance.
- Fixed an issue where the Cosmic Reaver was not dropping Divination Cards: The Holy Templar and The Monolith.
- Spell cooldowns will now reset when completing Dungeons and automated Events.
- The Exevo Vita spell now accepts a number param to burn any excess mana above that maximum mana percent number (for instance Exevo Vita "90” will burn any mana above 90%).
- Fixed an issue with the Ice Cube carving not working properly.
- Fixed an issue with the Seacrest Serpent spawn portal.
- Adjusted the exit destination of task boss room portals to be closer to the entrance portal.
- Fixed an issue with the Namtar Inferno spell.
- Fixed an issue with the Mystery of the Pidgeon Quest bridge not working properly.
- Fixed an issue with Amirada portal not sending players out if 15 minutes has elapsed since the battle has ended.
- The lever order in the Dragon's Den quest will now be consistently random instead of static.
- Fixed an issue with spawn access items (such as Golem Parts) consuming the entire stack on use instead of just one item.
Red, Queen Sirgdrifa like this post.
07 Mar 21 02:40 PM |
- Removed frags from character "Golden Teacher" even though "Wolf" and "Last Assassin" did the same thing.
Queen Sirgdrifa
08 Mar 21 06:04 PM |
Earl said:
- Removed frags from character "Golden Teacher" even though "Wolf" and "Last Assassin" did the same thing.
- Removed frags from character "Golden Teacher" even though "Wolf" and "Last Assassin" did the same thing.
And you are sad with this. Right?
Always ur. Queen Sirgdrifa, Le Bails Gambit
– Cuando ustedes me ven, yo se que tiemblan. Cabrones pidanme la bendición –
Winter Soldier
14 Jun 21 07:34 PM |
good job
im the only one ! , el unico
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