Cyntara - Forum - Rename enchantment crystals

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03 Aug 16 02:06 AM
Can you rename the crystals of enchantments to like orb of enchantment or literally anything else because as it stands its way too hard to figure out what i looted at a distance, its way too hard to figure out which one people are selling and no one has any idea which one im buying.

I'm talking about the crystals that add slots to equipment. Their name is way too similar to the other ones.

03 Aug 16 06:16 PM
I pretty much agree, I've been calling them orbs of enchantment myself because having four items extremely similar in name is incredibly confusing.

04 Aug 16 11:31 AM
yes I even said this at advertise channel "they should change the name of that crystal to enchantment orb or something" since they are so similar…
+10 on this xD

10 Aug 16 12:19 AM
Good idea!

They will be referred to as "Orbs of Enchantment" after the next update.


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