Cyntara - Forum - Boss Battles - Event Suggestion

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18 Jun 16 05:32 PM
Since I'm on vacations and I don't have anything to do at home, I decided to work on a little "project" that I had in mind. It's an event.

So, when all players join the event, they will be randomly split into teams. Team who kills the boss faster, wins. I thought that somebody could make new 3-4 bosses that will spawn in this event, for example if Team Blue kills the boss, another one will be spawned in Team Blue's room while Team Red is still killing the first boss. I guess you get the idea now. I made a small map where those bosses should spawn during this event. Small rooms with tps are for players that die during the event, so if they enter tp they get teleported back in the bigger room where boss is being killed. This is also the first map I made in RME.

What do you guys think? :)

18 Jun 16 05:40 PM
One quick question, what are the rewards? and will they be distributed evenly or according to damage and participation. for example, if blue wins, the person that dealt the most damage should get more than people who dealt less, and people who take the most damage in a single life should get more. I recommend a Gm watching over just to see who gets more event tokens, cyntara tokens etc.

18 Jun 16 05:44 PM
Silent said:
One quick question, what are the rewards? and will they be distributed evenly or according to damage and participation. for example, if blue wins, the person that dealt the most damage should get more than people who dealt less, and people who take the most damage in a single life should get more. I recommend a Gm watching over just to see who gets more event tokens, cyntara tokens etc.

Well, I thought about event tokens for the rewards, every player should get the prize for participating in the event but winners should get more, obviously. I don't think that damage suggestion wouldn't be easy for Diath or Red to script so I would say evenly for now and I thought about making this a daily event, so GM doesn't have to host it. Let's see their opinions on this first.

18 Jun 16 06:25 PM
This event actually exists already in Cyntara. Red was working on it but I don't know what happened to it. I know there was still some work needed to be done on it but it was shown to the public a few times and even allowed them to participate.

18 Jun 16 06:45 PM

18 Jun 16 07:08 PM
Thank you for the suggestion, Maazik.

This event has already been added to the server, but was never made a part of the event rotation due to testing purposes.

You will see this idea implemented in Cyntara 9.


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