Cyntara - Forum - A Brave New World

Cyntara v17 Countdown

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04 Jul 16 11:10 PM
Red said:
Shunuck said:
Things seem to coming along nicely! Btw Chan, could you please shoot me a PM whenever the feature becomes available (unless you've got another way to get in touch)? Cheers!
Thanks! You are always able to contact me at <>

@Topic: You can expect another post tonight at around 11:30pm EST. Red will be finding the truth to when the new era of Cyntara will begin! The launch date will be posted on the main site at around midnight.

Happy Fourth, everybody!

Lets just hope this Red guy is better at keeping dates than Chan :$

04 Jul 16 11:53 PM
rip guess not lol

05 Jul 16 12:32 AM
Red's most recent transcripts have been intercepted; the original content has been censored.

… An old friend I had entrusted with this … was able to … me.

… To be able to share … adventures with you all.

Until next time, Cyntarists!

05 Jul 16 12:26 PM
I have to apologize… Rather, I would have to apologize for my shortcomings if I weren't the only one still here. I oftentimes forget what recourse being a deity can be. My memory from the previous evening is quite foggy; that has been happening to me lately. For this reason, The Wise Man advised I keep a journal and travel around this world until my memory returns fully, and these episodes cease. It's a bit eerie, he spoke of my pilgrimage in a familiar manner… Does this happen every time? It must.

I decided to explore familiar areas, first. Everything seems to be in order in the Teleport Room.

Looks like Ferumbras stepped up his fear game. His tower has never looked scarier!

The machine golems haven't been wasting time, either. Their master is sitting on a new throne.

The demons' hell has become a much more fiery and sinister plane since my re-awakening as well…

What struck me as most curious was this rather large island. I can feel the presence of the beginning of sentient life. Something most fearsome will likely be inhabiting this land.

This feels like enough of an adventure for the time being. I'm already starting to feel more like myself. A lot of this world has been reborn and given a more captivating terrain, I'm sure if I kept exploring I could find more changes, and I'm certain this world will continue to make these sorts of changes on its own.
It's evolving at a rapid pace, that's for sure.

Until next time, Cyntarists!

07 Jul 16 12:46 PM
<3 <3 <3

07 Jul 16 03:32 PM

Ayudo a los nuevos jugadores, me gusta ayudar a los jugadores sean nuevos o viejos :D

07 Jul 16 05:50 PM
Raknaro said:

No, Cyntara v9 will only be available for the pc. Sorry :/

08 Jul 16 01:01 AM
Im gonna nut Red. Well done, hope to see old And new players.


10 Jul 16 04:00 AM
Sounds Good (still alive btw)

Why does that 1 demon have a red skull?

10 Jul 16 01:37 PM
Ownez said:
Sounds Good (still alive btw)

Why does that 1 demon have a red skull?
Ikr I was just going to reply bout that. lol
Thanks for doing my job.
But now you're making me type this.
Now I hate you.

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