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Cyntara v17 Countdown

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09 Feb 18 10:05 PM
- What would you like to see in a Cyntara OTClient?
I wouldn't, I've used otclient for a while. It's a deal breaker on most servers.
- What do you think would be the biggest challenge to adapt a Cyntara OTClient to fit Cyntara's gameplay style?
Not playing it.
- What features would you like to see with the Cyntara OTClient?
A lack of it.
- What would be a deal-breaker for you?
No bots, otclient.
- What other feedback would you like to share?
Make stamina refiller actually refill stamina. ALL 42 hour with a 1 day cooldown.

10 Feb 18 03:27 AM
Ownez said:
- What would you like to see in a Cyntara OTClient?
Spectator mode with an on off switch

- What do you think would be the biggest challenge to adapt a Cyntara OTClient to fit Cyntara's gameplay style?

- What features would you like to see with the Cyntara OTClient?
Proximity voice chat Kappa –-

- What would be a deal-breaker for you?
If I cant cave bot for levels I'm not going to play

- What other feedback would you like to share?
Personally I think this client thing is a waste of time. don't really think its worth it

My opinion may be different from others, but I only play tibia for PVP and shit.

I dont like how long you have to wait to frag again, also you need to redo the whole frag reward system since 4000 frags isn't going to happen

Hell yeah a cast system would be amazing!

As for you not leveling without a bot…you don't even level WITH a bot. Shitter.

10 Feb 18 04:47 PM
I leveled to 900 and was fragging nonstop, if I kept cavebotting it would have just been PA when I killed people…

If I never got to cavebot I dont think I would go over like 450

12 Feb 18 07:38 PM
One other thing that would have to change with the removal of bots would be play points, staying on for those hours without a bot is hard to say the least.

Skills would have to become much easier to get or even buff offline trainers. Or just add an anti idle to the client.

01 Apr 18 12:27 AM
its nice to hear u guys want to change the main client, but to be honest the fact to play cyntara without a bot (even with bot features implemented) its just sick, i cant see myself playing without dash, level spy, cavebot, autoloot, auto sio, AUTOPOT, etc..
but if u wanna keep on going then ill make some suggestions about bot features the client should have
auto caster
auto sio
auto pot
cave bot
level spy
about the sprites and such, its cool but the original tibia client has already tons of sprites cyntara is not using
and last but not least a STRONG recommendation, fix the experience u can get in every single spawn since people only use like 8-10 spawns from all that there is at cyntara since the rest are not even worth it
ex: djinn,
bog raiders,
dragon hatchlings
frost dragons,
,sea serpents(this one is trash)
, lancer beettles,
warlocks (the pain is not worth it anymore)
,wisp, serpent spawns (make it actually bigger… not only an extension),
yielothax( u gave up 2 stones for a shitty spawn and the para rune+bike mount??),
black knight bosses,
grim reapers,
DRAKENS (its a really big spawn with a really shit exp/drop), ICE MINERS (same as drakens),
swap lords
,outlaws (?? like none ever goes there the map is bad af),
legendary warrios (this one is weird, maybe remove some warriors to make it viable to hunt/make it bigger/ reduce their AOE)
,mad mages
All i mention are spawns that barely someone uses so would be nice to see a fix for their exp/drops

i know this has nothing to do with the client issues , but wanted to leave a suggetsion to cyntara V11 aswell which is easy to implement.

thx in advance and preciate ur time


23 Apr 18 12:56 AM
I have been waiting for a reset for quite a while and I am glad to see there are going to be many changes. As for removing the bot I would like to see features added like auto sio, level spy, dash, auto attack, auto loot and auto caster because I want to train ML even if I never left it overnight I was using shitty offline training. As for cavebot I don't care, I can't remember a time I used it in other than an alt char that I never really used. Also as dafter said you should put some time into fixing experience of certain spawns.
Can't wait for the release this summer.

25 Apr 18 07:23 PM
Hello :) surprised to see some of you are still around :o

25 Apr 18 09:54 PM
Obama said:
Hello :) surprised to see some of you are still around :o

And still active!

Hi Phil!


26 Apr 18 05:49 AM
Red said:
Q: What about bots?
A: If we do plan to implement a Cyntara OTClient, we will not provide a bot for the client, and we will also have protection against external bot creation. However, we will take into close consideration some bot "features" that could be automated and a part of the stock client.

I would love too see a bot free Cyntara. I have recently picked up tibia again, playing my MS, no bots all manual. I enjoy it way more than I use too. Not that hard to get use to using your hands again. Of course the autoloot feature would be nice..

27 Apr 18 02:13 AM
EyeOpener said:
I have been waiting for a reset for quite a while and I am glad to see there are going to be many changes. As for removing the bot I would like to see features added like auto sio, level spy, dash, auto attack, auto loot and auto caster because I want to train ML even if I never left it overnight I was using shitty offline training. As for cavebot I don't care, I can't remember a time I used it in other than an alt char that I never really used. Also as dafter said you should put some time into fixing experience of certain spawns.
Can't wait for the release this summer.

Level spy? Aka the thing that literally ruins every fucking quest and rpg on every god dammed server pls no

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