Cyntara - Forum - Patchnotes - 13th Jan (2023)

Cyntara v17 Countdown

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13 Jan 23 01:04 PM
  • Tier Set items can now be converted to Divination Cards using the Demonic Acid.
  • Adjusted the Luck enchantment values for Regular and Grand Enchantment Crystals.
  • Decreased the Forsaken Lakes level requirement from 2000 to 1900.
  • Replaced the Explosive Dragon with the Greedy Goblin raid in Divination Cards.
  • Adjusted the Goblin King prices and buffed the Pot experience bonus.
  • Auto targeting can now be used in Dungeons.
  • Increased Base and Cumulative gold drop in Dungeons.
  • Gryorange Spiders can no longer spawn in Cursed Chests.
  • Fixed the Greedy Goblin raid lever not working.
  • Fixed a few instances of server crashes related to spells.
  • Reduced the mana costs of Artifact Spells.
  • Standarized the gold rewards for all Task Bosses.
  • Standarized the loot rewards for Task Bosses below level 400.
  • Standarized AP token rewards for all Task Bosses.
  • Improved telegraphing for The Ringmaster, Treasure Hoarders and Greedy Goblin raids.
  • Improved the Death Channel messages.
  • Fixed an issue with the Bank transfers not working properly when the recipient name contained a trailing or a leading extra space.
  • Fixed Garmr having way lower health than intended.
  • The Lick square in the Garmr encounter will now be removed when leaving the boss arena.
  • Added new monster races: Ice, Holy and Water.
  • Added Damage Taken and Damage Dealt meta stats to Inspect and Stats.
  • Removed Health/Mana, Skills, Resist, Leech, and Crit Shrines. Buffed the Luck shrine. Added Toughness shrine (generic 25% damage taken reduction).
  • Fixed the Destroy Area rune being able to remove certain colors of magic walls.
  • Fixed Vegnagun kills not counting towards the Bestiary.
  • Rebalanced level 800+ spawns. See the more detailed post below for more information.

  • Fixed an issue with the Bestiary Tracker window always opening on login instead of remembering its last state.
  • Added God's Wrath spell to auto buffs.
  • Fixed the Bestiary bonus experience label being cut off.

13 Jan 23 01:15 PM
Hello Cyntarists,

Similar to the June 2, 2020 patch notes this patch includes a spawn rebalancing update for spawns 800+.

The Cyntara Developer team prides ourselves on including precise patch notes and update information to our players in regard to changes that affect gameplay. What a lot of players may not realize is that the Cyntara patch notes only include changes made that affect gameplay in one way or another. When players ask me why a patch or an update looks so outwardly small compared to previous patches or updates, I tell them that it's more likely than not because a lot of the work that was done during that period was in the back-end, or to code that doesn't directly affect gameplay in a meaningful way to players.
Cyntara v15-s2 brought another feature that was not presented on the patch notes because it did not have an effect on gameplay - yet. A lot of time was spent on improving the recording of different metrics of the game so that we can make more precise changes that influence the game in a more expected fashion.

Unlike the June 2, 2020 spawn rebalancing patch, the data used to make spawn adjustments was much more detailed and objective. This was my first attempt at using this approach, but it is my hope that the changes are welcomed. That being said, if you know a spawn to be either "the best" or "worthless" in a level range, you can expect that it was made more equal to other spawns in its level range. My primary goal in balancing spawns are still aligned with the famous words of Wood.

Level 800

Yielothax: No change.
Nightmayers: This spawn was under-performing. Both monsters in this spawn received a slight experience boost.
Demi Liches: This spawn was greatly over-performing. The hitpoints/experience ratio was adjusted for Demi Liches.
Swamp Lords: This spawn was slightly under-performing. No adjustments made at this time.
Seacrest Serpents: This spawn was performing as expected. No adjustments made.

Level 850

Outlaws: This spawn was greatly under-performing. Both monster resistances have been decreased. Spawn density increased. Added a few more loop-arounds inside the spawn for a more cohesive hunting experience.
Ogres: This spawn was performing as expected. No adjustments made. However, due to player feedback, we will be keeping a close eye on the stats.
Insectoids: This spawn was greatly over-performing. The hitpoints/experience ratio was adjusted.

Level 900

Demons: This spawn was greatly under-performing. Increased the experience, spawn density, and respawn rate in "Demon Hell".
Undead Dragons: This spawn was performing as expected. No adjustments made.
Legendary Warriors: This spawn was performing as expected. No adjustments made.
Mad Mages: This spawn was greatly under-performing. The hitpoints/experience ratio was adjusted for both monsters. The spawn density was increased.

Level 950

Flying Books: This spawn was under-performing. The hitpoints/experience ratio was adjusted.
Shadow Dragons: This spawn was greatly under-performing. The hitpoints/experience ratio was adjusted for both monsters. The spawn density and respawn rate was increased.
Ice Miners: This spawn was performing as expected. No adjustments made.

Level 1,000

Minotaur Cultists: This spawn was over-performing. The resistances of some monsters were adjusted. The hitpoints/experience ratio of some monsters were also adjusted.
Lycanthropes: This spawn was over-performing. The hitpoints/experience ratio of all monsters were adjusted.
Forbidden Temple: This spawn was greatly under-performing. The hitpoints/experience ratio of all monsters were adjusted. The resistances of Cult Enforcer were decreased.
Arid Plateau: This spawn was greatly under-performing. The hitpoints/experience ratio of all monsters were adjusted. The resistances of some monsters were greatly decreased.
Mind Flayers: This spawn was greatly under-performing. The hitpoints of Mind Flayers has been decreased. The spawn density has been increased.

Level 1,200

Blighted Grotto: This spawn was over-performing. The hitpoints/experience ratio of both monsters was adjusted.
Feyrist Meadows: This spawn was under-performing. The hitpoints of Enfeebled Silencers has been decreased. The resistances of Weakened Frazzlemaws has been decreased.
Nightmare Ruins: This spawn was over-performing for certain vocations. The hitpoints/experience ratio of both monsters was adjusted. The resistances of both monsters were decreased.
Old Fortress: This spawn was greatly under-performing. The hitpoints/experience ratio was adjusted for all monsters. The resistances of some monsters was decreased.

Level 1,400

Demonborn Valley: This spawn was under-performing. The hitpoints/experience ratio was adjusted.
Primordial Grounds East: This spawn was performing as expected. No adjustments made.
Primordial Grounds West: This spawn was performing as expected. No adjustments made.

Level 1,600

Demon Jail: This spawn was greatly under-performing. Increased spawn density/respawn rate (100% remapped spawn points). Added a few more loop-arounds inside the spawn for a more cohesive hunting experience.
Primordial Prison: This spawn was performing as expected. No adjustments made.
Catacombs: This spawn was performing as expected. No adjustments made.

Level 1,800

Sparkling Pools: This spawn was performing as expected. However, due to feedback from players, we have decided to make Mercurial Menaces keep 3sqm distance rather than 4sqm distance. This should effectively buff the spawn for most vocations. We will keep a close eye on this spawn as well.

Level 2,000

Forsaken Lakes: Level requirement decreased from 2,000 to 1,900. This spawn has no performance data. We have seen player feedback regarding it being similar / the same as Sparkling Pools; however, there is more to performance than hitpoints/experience values of monsters. We will wait until the actual performance has been measured.


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