Cyntara - Forum - The new website Feedback thread

Cyntara v17 Countdown

Create your character now!

14 Jun 16 08:11 PM
Chain looks so long

14 Jun 16 08:14 PM


14 Jun 16 08:15 PM

This was my first thought when I saw him "testing"

14 Jun 16 08:58 PM
Red said:


Why not both? :D

Btw, it appears regular people can't like posts since I don't see the like button or maybe im just missing it

14 Jun 16 09:03 PM
Uhm on the website under character achievments it appears to give 1 star to everything despite some of them being worth 2 or 3 stars.

On the same page the quest log is kinda ugly with black x and check marks it should have color or atleats a variation because on a longg list like that they kinda start blurring together

14 Jun 16 10:26 PM
Trith said:
Btw, it appears regular people can't like posts since I don't see the like button or maybe im just missing it

Try logging out and logging back in. This is a known issue.

Edit: This will be fixed when we deploy our first website patch.


15 Jun 16 04:43 AM
few more things i noticed;

When getting the the end of a page on forums it prematurely gives the option of the next page at the bottom (the 1,2,3's) however clicking on the next page just redirects you to the post box seems buggy. seems buggy. This also happens after submitting a post on a page that is nearing the end of the post limit per page

On the guild wars page, if you check the recent wars and select frag stats it redirects you to the active wars page. This may be because the website wasn't live to collect the information from the server at the time of the war or it may be a bug who knows.

on mobile in theres a few pages that aren't so well fleshed out. On the achievments page they don't really fit too well but its not too awful as it is but the biggest issue that i've noticed was on the housing page everything goes all wonky like this;

15 Jun 16 08:41 AM
Shop section --> "addons&mounts" can't be selected

Matt Bruh
15 Jun 16 01:29 PM
New site is legit, I'll leave all the testing up to Trith.

Can I change the "Member Since" to V1? I don't want to look like a newb.

15 Jun 16 01:51 PM
Matt Bruh said:
New site is legit, I'll leave all the testing up to Trith.

Can I change the "Member Since" to V1? I don't want to look like a newb.

Same, on old forum this account was made in 2011, now it says that I've made it during v8 and I'm actually here since 2009

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